
Temporary shelter after a disaster - disaster relief tent

by:JOY Inflatable     2022-06-23

We humans have always wanted to conquer nature, but sometimes we are really very small in front of nature, and a natural disaster will bring us a lot of harm. Generally speaking, when a natural disaster occurs, our people will have a spirit of support from all sides, but for the disaster area, the natural disaster has destroyed their residence, and the residence has become the first problem to be solved. The emergence of disaster relief tents has provided great help. We can not only use disaster relief tents as shelters, but also for disaster relief command, post-disaster emergency medical care and disaster relief material storage, which can be said to have a lot of effects.

Generally speaking, most of the fabrics used in disaster relief tents are Oxford cloth, canvas, rubber and plastic cloth, etc. The tents made of it can have the functions of shading, rain and snow protection, and the disaster relief tents made of this material also have the properties of flame retardant and tear resistance, which is why it is now used as disaster relief materials in disaster relief.

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