How to Care for a Bamboo Palm Plant - inflatable palm tree

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-03-25
How to Care for a Bamboo Palm Plant  -  inflatable palm tree
Bamboo palm plants have many slender stems and green feather-like leaves that can change the atmosphere of the room.
Gardenerdy provides tips on bamboo palm care.
If you want to grow indoors, read on and learn some simple cultural rules.
A nasa-sponsored study shows that indoor plants can purify the air by removing harmful chemical toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and vinyl chloride.
According to NASA, in order to clean the air, we should have at least one factory every 100 square feet. ft.
Bamboo palms are considered one of the best clean air plants.
It consists of 107 small palm trees.
They are common in the lower rain forests of southern Mexico and Guatemala.
Garden trees and indoor plants are very popular.
It is the palm of the feather leaf (feather leaf.
They have no fans-type leaves.
The color of the Chicken Crown shaft (tubular structure or bottom of the stem) is usually green.
It is often called "bamboo palm ".
\ '(Also known as Reed palms) is a slow-growing plant.
It is native to tropical and subtropical areas of South America.
This popular house plant is a fascinating species. stem palm).
It naturally produces more than one vertical stem or trunk.
Although the new trunk appears and grows from the bottom of the first trunk, the first trunk is the highest of all trunks until the plant matures and is easily detected.
The new trunk continues to form throughout its life cycle.
However, the formation of new stems may slow down over time.
Outdoor plants can be 10-15 feet tall. It can be 4-
Indoor 6 feet high, spread about 3 to 5 feet.
These plants are perfect for any yard size and can be grown outdoors throughout the United StatesS. D. A.
Plant Resistance zones in areas 8 to 11.
\ 'Fungal infection is easy to occur.
In addition, with little leaves over time, it becomes thin and long.
Due to lack of vitality, it produces leaves that are short and unattractive.
A young plant may look attractive, but it will not be able to stay beautiful over time.
So be sure to choose the species carefully. , etc. species.
Commonly referred to as the palm of luck or the palm of the living room, up to 9 feet.
It's the coldest of these species.
Nowadays, there are all kinds of hybrid varieties in the nursery.
Bamboo palm plants prefer the smallest sunshine.
It likes indirect, filtered light or shadows.
Some species can put up with some sunlight, but if you suddenly take the indoor plants outdoors, then this drastic change can seriously damage the plants.
You can gradually expose the plants to more light.
Plants grow well at temperatures between 65-80 degrees.
It needs medium to high humidity.
This plant grows well if the soil is rich in organic matter, if it grows welldrained.
You can add covering, Cedar crumbs, compost, etc.
Sand or clay to improve its quality.
Add some pumice or large pumice
Spreading grain sand on the soil can make it better.
Fast drainage can be promoted.
The soil should also retain some moisture. Use a well-drained, peat-
Mixed based on filling.
Regular watering is essential during the initial stage of active growth.
It is sometimes possible to water fully grown plants.
You can water the plants less in autumn and winter, but don't let the plants dry.
Wet soil can cause the roots to rot, just keep it moist.
Water the soil only when it looks dry.
If the weather is warm, you can water the outdoor plants once a week or three times a week. âx9eº A slow-
Release or dilute liquid fertilizers such as 15-5-
15 can be used for indoor plants during active growth.
You can apply once a month.
For outdoor plants, you can use slow
Release fertilizer like 8-2-
It is rich in manganese and other essential nutrients.
During active growth, you can apply them every three months (read the instructions on the tab and follow them strictly.
Excessive use of fertilizer can lead to the accumulation of salt in the soil.
Therefore, the leaves may turn brown.
Pruning of bamboo palm plants includes cutting the tip of the brown leaves, removing the yellow or dry leaves and bare stems.
Cut dead or withered leaves from the bottom of the stem.
The plant usually has no major pest or disease problems.
Regular monitoring of damaged stems, leaves and pests, such as fish scales or mealybugs, helps to avoid serious diseases.
If you notice mites, especially mites under the leaves, add some soap to the water and wash the leaves with this soapy water.
For a limited mealybugs infection, it is enough to trim the damaged part, or cut the damaged leaves directly from the bottom of the stem.
If the problem persists, you may have to remove the entire problematic stem.
Buying a mature plant is better than trying to breed bamboo palm plants from seeds.
Maybe 2-
2-5 years of growth
4 feet tall plants from seeds.
To avoid exposure to the bright sun, do not put these plants in front of the window.
Indirect light is enough for them.
Overexposure to natural light can cause the leaves of the plant to burn and burn.
If you use the stove in winter, don't forget to spray water and cover the factory with fog.
Low humidity can cause the leaves to burn (starting at the tip of the leaf ).
This will prevent the leaves from turning yellow.
To avoid loss of leaves, place an indoor plant in the Southeast
Facing the window of your house.
Keep the factory away from heating or cooling vents.
The salt content of tap water is usually high.
It will damage the factory over time.
Therefore, plant distilled water or water is provided from the reverse osmosis device.
If you can't do this, then occasionally move the plants outdoors, especially during the monsoon season, so that the accumulated salt is washed away.
At least once in six months, water the potted plants with a large amount of water to allow the excess water to flow out of the drainage holes.
When the roots flow out of the drain hole, they can breathe the drain water into the tea tray that is usually stored under the flowerpot.
This drain of water contains a large amount of salt that will damage the factory.
So fill the flying saucer with gravel and place the pan on the gravel above the drain instead of inside.
If you are going to trim the plant, first fertilize it and then trim it after a week or so.
This will promote rapid growth during pruning.
Replant when the plant becomes too large to hold the container.
According to the poisoning control center of ASPCA, bamboo palm trees are not
Toxic to cats and dogs.
However, according to some experts, berries produced by some palm species may be toxic to pets.
The bamboo palms in the room can relieve the fatigue of the eyes.
However, it is necessary to collect information about plant care before purchasing plants.
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