
Is Twitter Noise or a Business Tool? - where to rent a mechanical bull

by:JOY Inflatable     2019-12-14
Is Twitter Noise or a Business Tool?  -  where to rent a mechanical bull
Recently, this problem appeared in a discussion group on LinkedIn.
It got a lot of attention and interesting comments.
Most people think Twitter is a business tool.
Some people say it's just noise but these people don't elaborate on it.
In other words, they said something like "noise" and nothing else.
Those who think Twitter is a viable business tool talk about the way they use Twitter.
Of course, this is more helpful than those who say "noise" without comment.
Dell boldly announced its revenue of $6.
5 million from Twitter channel.
According to a recent poll conducted by 6 s Marketing, nearly 10,000 respondents were actively involved in social media and saw the benefits with their own eyes.
Some highlights include: 70% of respondents use social media and have Facebook accounts;
58% blog;
47% on Twitter;
61% of people actively follow up on the Internet about what people think about their brand.
If Twitter is a viable business tool, how do people use it?
Here are some of the methods mentioned in the LinkedIn discussion topic: this is a great way to get a lot of information quickly.
Those comments talk about building relationships with others and talking to them.
Twitter enables you to track important thought leaders in your field or industry.
If you teach, guide others, or even supervise others, you can quickly learn what others think about the latest trends.
This is a great way to create brand awareness and is free!
Through a centralized Twitter business, businesses can increase customer awareness of products and services.
It enables you to keep in touch with industry news quickly.
This is one of the most popular answers to Twitter's validity questions.
Twitter provides you with a lot of information in many ways, allowing you to sift through it, target the people you want to read, and get a broader perspective.
When you join the conversation and build relationships, new business results will emerge.
Some commented on getting new projects, new customers, or new referral partners via their Twitter connection.
A hr executive said he found Twitter very useful in finding new blogs and meeting new people.
Another person said Twitter accounted for 70% of the company's profits.
He discussed increasing brand awareness through the development of strategic alliances and real-time customer support.
In other words, the answer is more than just Twitter.
Combined with traditional sales, Twitter has shortened the sales cycle and created unprecedented business opportunities.
Twitter brings traffic to your business.
You have to tweet effectively with a mix of tweets that are of interest to your readers.
Post your blog with others, highlight interesting statistics, share quotes, rate and evaluate products and services.
Search for certain words or topics using Twitter to see what they have written.
This is a good way to do niche marketing.
Use Twitter in the right way!
So, what does it mean to use Twitter correctly?
Here are some tips worth repeating. 1.
Don't increase the noise.
Don't post trivial information that people don't have time to read.
We are not interested in where you drink coffee or what you eat for breakfast. 2.
Don't spam.
It is very important not to post items that insult your followers.
Twitter's goal is to build relationships through dialogue.
Get to know this person before you try to sell your products and services. 3.
Don't pay attention to people you don't want or people who spam you.
Anyone can follow you on Twitter.
But you have the right not to pay attention to them.
Use your block follow button wisely. 4.
Set goals for Twitter.
What do you want to accomplish?
Is it brand awareness?
What information are you searching?
Are you creating some visibility for yourself or your service?
Are you interested in sharing information? 5.
Create target tracking.
That means you have to take the time to hunt and get all the things you want out of peck.
You will not create thousands of followers at the same time, but you will create a quality list.
I'm going to quote a reply from the LinkedIn discussion that I believe sums up all of this very well.
This is from Ken Newman. "Twitter can be about building relationships.
It may be about finding people you are interested in and sharing what they are interested in.
It may be to help find a missing child.
It can be about lighting up the light of human suffering.
It may be to raise enough money to save a person's life.
Yes, it can even find a business connection and become a huge opportunity.
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