human soccer ball Sylvia - Chapters 2 to 4

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-05-18
We still can't predict if what happened before was just a crazy dream or if it was really true.Because sitting in bed facing my so-Called prisonI am no princess, no doubt.Then this terrible reality appeared on the Internet.
They're all vampires, terrible blood.
Sucking creaturesIsn't there much extra truth to be told?What if they want to kill me?My own heart beats faster from these horrible thoughts.Suddenly the door jumped again and my partner and I got a fright.A lady hurried over and carefully closed the door.
The girl is wearing a new black dress in whiteIn this case, your girlfriend Auburn's hair was initially nailed to a bun and she looked almost like any maid.The lady is holding some boxes and from the way she seems to be rocking, I know the boxes can be heavy.The woman's head seemed to be low, and she bowed to herself in a basic way.
We stare at her.
"Your Highness, it seems to have been sent to prepare for you," your lover muttered in a squeaky manner as if the woman had been daunted by me.I raise my eyesShe looked at herself curiously with a frown.What is the reason your woman called me "Your Highness?Why arrange me?We feel that my thoughts rotate to a large extent with questions I understand and I may not be able to get answers.
\ "What to prepare?Half an inch, I asked the girl with cross arms.The girl hurried to the place where I was really standing, and slowly put all the boxes on this bed."I'm scared, Your Highness, that I didn't realize," she said calmly, away from eye contact.
We sighed.
Why all things need to be so complicated.
"Are you a creature of the night?I asked her.Your lover nodded and took out only two beautiful dresses from the box.Especially with the help of sparkling shiny textiles, it is absolutely white.
The other one is black, although the glittering silver gems are sparkling.I looked at the dress with suspicion.We feel like a doll. The idea seems to be that people want everyone to dress up.Then another thought popped up in my head.
If I tidy up the room then it may take me not to see that room so I can find my answer without difficulty anyway and even break free.I looked at these clothes again.\ "There is no doubt which of your Royal Highness will be now?Your Woman asked patiently.I sighed.I was briefly satisfied with the "light one ".
She dragged her clothes neatly and gave me a look.With this girl, with the help of the great rhythm, the girl suddenly zoomed around me so fast that they were confused and the next thing I learned was meI had to close my mouth before my chin hit the floor.\ "It's definitely for you, your Highness, she suggested to the costume and nodded, and then the girl went to the back and even started playing with the hair.
Not to mention the lady pulling the ad, I was asked to cry and bite our lips.When my spouse and I finally finalized my private hair, she sighed with comfort.Your loved one zoomed in the bathroom, reflected with hands and fingers, zoomed in on me again.
Due to the fact that I personally see, my eyeballs have expanded., at all.My own long waistYour hair is draped over a very beautiful and elegant bun with a silver blush on my cheekbones and a sparkling white in the dark of my eyes.My personal dress looks great."My career is over.Your Highness, if you can forgive me, I have to leave to attend my best next event, "said your lover with a last smirk and then disappeared into the area, lock the threshold behind the woman.
I carefully crafted my method into my bed and enlarged it, and did my best to certainly not make my own clothes crumpled.I'm not sure how long it will take, but I think I put the glass windows on the floor for a while.When the house cracked repeatedly, I was ready and ready.
Zedrick came in and she wore a new silver waist --The coat was in complete conflict with his dark blue eyes.He/she looks very handsome and has a breakthrough, I admit.When he smirked in front of me, I just glanced at him or her.
\"Ready?He muttered.
Rude way, this guy is unlikely to say "good day ".\ "What to prepare?\ "I snapped over this arm.At the moment, my worries about myself soon disappeared, and for various reasons I no longer seem to be afraid that they are creatures of the night.
In fact, I have confidence in all of us.
"For football.
Everyone is happy that you came back for the last time, and CM Zedrick muttered frow painfully, frowning as if excellence was bad for him.\"Everyone?I gave him another look.He/she stood in front of almost everyone before I blinked."Everyone thinks you will save us and he hisses and says his/her long welldefined fangs.
I need a step spine which is mainly to encourage your pet to take a step forward.My spouse and I took another step back and she or he took another step forward and my back suddenly attacked the structure again.Everyone thinks you can save us.So you are strong.I flinch in the hatred in my voice.I really don't know what she's talking about.
"I don't know w-"What are you talking about," I stammered, trying to avoid this angry eye.Zide clasped my own wrists and nailed them to the wall."You're just a change.You will become weak and helpless when he growls.
Her dark red eyes are almost excellent red, the sharp teeth look sharp, yes, he prefers to bite all of us.My heart is crying deep inside.Rrt happened again and felt like he was my wrist killer.I can feel the tears floating in my eyes.Crying poured into my cheek like rain.Suddenly their dazzling blue eyes melted and he looked down and the next thought I saw disappeared on his face.
He forgot my arm and finally stopped awkwardly.I looked down and looked at my wrist. the wrist was bright red, but it felt very clear as if these people were burning.I'm really in pain.When I choked, "You are completely a beast", I still cry when I go to the bathroom for you.
Zedrick stood there, and it was surprising that he was notable again."Where do you think you're going?At this time, we are leaving. "After I closed the bathroom, your dog hissed strongly.
"I will never go anywhere with you!I screamed and rubbed my eyes while pulling paper towels.In a limited room, I really felt less dangerous than Zedrick, and my heart rate was faster every second.The door of the bathroom was chiseled, and Zedrick stood there, and her sharp nails or toenails dug out of the wood.
\"S-stay from me!I screamed, but it was really stared at each other for a while.He stared so handsome.The eyes were dark blue and there was no more terrible reading, they checked so calmly, all the extremes, I felt I was able to keep an eye on their way forever.What happened to me?Any vampire change.A pair of princes.A dim stranger.To satisfy a mythical prophecy.In the dark slender corridor, using Zedrick was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
None of us said only one word, but on the other hand we felt the wrath of Zedrick.My spouse and I looked straight into my arm again, and we still saw bright red handprints as he and Zedrick were so casual that we would burn our wrists with his very good vampire power.Every time my arms are accidentally obscured by Zedrick, I will back down, plus, they feel like they are, just playing again through a little tip like this.
Zedrick stopped as if the person felt the idea.He tilted his head to one side, looked at the people coldly, and then looked at my wrist all the time.\ "Is it damaged?"The person keeps their face straight away as if he or she basically doesn't care.
Instead of replying, I touched my lips and moved my head away.Make is now in an atmosphere of talking to your ex-boyfriend and I can feel that my hate for him is not performing well in my heart.again.I clenched my fist in frustration and I could feel my feeling getting more pessimistic every second.
All of a sudden the lights welcomed me and since we went straight into a huge space I immediately felt a little relaxed myself.The floor looks vivid and looks like it was built in marble.I thought it might have been the dance ballroom that Zedrick pointed out before.
My own eyes are wide open and the site looks really great.I frowned. The only thing I lacked was people.\ "What did we do in this article?"Industry experts don't bother to deal with Derek."For the sake of football, itl starts about an hour later," she replied coldly .
There was another uncomfortable silence.
Will each of them be goblins?\ "Industry experts, suddenly a little uncomfortable in the idea Lake, just a little uncomfortable.Instead of answering, Zedrick turned to face a man who followed him into the ballroom.It's the guy with gold.I believe it's Anton with hair."Ah, you are here, Queen," Anton tortured me with a warm pleasure, revealing his fangs slightly.
I stared at the warm and friendly tan views, and for some reason I liked his or her company more than Zedrick.I don't know what to say, I just smiled briefly.Anton reported: "I made up for the lack of joining myself earlier .
" He approached himself gradually.
I need my time to paint on his black Gray hip coatlike face."My name can be Anton. I'm Prince sapphire, CM. He said that this smooth method sounds very melody to our ears.She or he turned and nodded to Zedrick."Zedrick is my brother, and she is also the royal prince.
Zedrick is the last person on earth to be considered a prince.What I want to say is that he seems to be very impolite and difficult, not to mention that this temper eventually becomes terrible, and as a result the person seems proud and arrogant.I personally still wear and know what to suggest, but there is a sudden problem in my head.
"What a wonderful change?"I asked Anton when he raised his eyebrows against Zedrick."Did your center explain it to herself?Anton took a look at Zedrick, which was undoubtedly interesting.Anton was already explaining that Zedrick could have imagined a nasty rebuttal before.
\ "In addition to vampires, changing is really a beast about humans somewhere.You can say that the spirit is usually half a skeleton.It takes about 4 weeks to change a vampire.
I changed my clothes?"I asked nervously while laughing."Of course you are," they snapped arrogantly ."Woah.My spouse and I felt my own stomach rummaging and all the unexpected things I thought I would vomit.
I'm going to be a vampire?I really felt like I closed my eyes and I had pictures of blood vessels pouring into my mind.As a vampire, I'm going to drink blood, get rid of people, and more blood.Like an earthquake, nausea or vomiting hit me.
I personally feel that the world is spinning around me, and then the next thing I realize is that everything is black.My eyes were wide open and I sat up and took on my duty.When I saw me in my so-I was once again called the prison space and I was still wearing a sparkling white dress in front of me.
His dark blue line of sight.
I gasped.
"What are you doing?I screamed, thinking that Zedrick was looking at me after I was completely asleep.Zedrick smiled and then glared at me.Guess what it is?You're dizzy.He snorted and laughed, so I was pretty sure he was making fun of me.Quite funny.I really fit my lips angrily and glared at your pet again.
We watched each other for a long time.
All of a sudden, I 've been thinking about the easiest way his ocean blue eyes look, how they are reproduced like reflections, and how big his encounter is.Break.Out.Regarding.It.My partner and I blinked and the world was back to normal.I don't know what it was ten seconds ago.Zedrick stared at all of us with a fake smile on his lips.
I really glanced at him, and my face suddenly became bright red due to embarrassment.I couldn't believe it when I fainted.In my previous life, I would not faint under any circumstances."Everyone is disappointed with the news when they can't meet you.
Father in particular, Zedrick, now has a good laugh, as if it was good news for her.I snorted and even turned my head to make sure we were confronted with each other.\ "What happened?Why does a person hate me so much?\" I hissed.
Zedrick was happy to check me out.
He obviously expected it.
He hesitated briefly, but their faces hardened again, and he glared at all."I used to be the best Vampire fighter," he said ." Your dog sounds arrogant."Everyone respects my family and everyone looks at me to defend them.
Inches I shrug.
\ "What does this have to do with all of us?"He snapped at everything about you," but since your prophecy, most people want to have great power like a new goddess, eventually became so powerful and protected the vampire.kind.You were the one who was elected.This is ridiculous.What prophecy?I asked a few inches and there was a mess in my head.Wonderful.Now they are answering my question, so I desperately want an answer to help you.
When we notice all thisThere seems to be a problem.On the way, Zedrick's eye looked back and forth at the room with restless eyes, and he suddenly got up, hunting like the man was ready to help pounce on anyone.\"What wrong?I squeaked a few inches, and the unexpected feeling was smaller than the general helplessness.
Just before Zedrick's reply, when the entrance to my own room was actually torn off, there was a panic expression in his experience, standing a tall man in its area, the door was hisIt reminds me of what Zedrick did earlier these days.I feel my pulse is speeding up and I know it may be better.The man looks five years older than zederick, he looks good, but he has a powerful evil, let alone an unnatural strategy.
He has a beautiful black baseball cap, topped with his blurry black curly hair.His eyes are one.The deep shadows of violet color look at them and make my own spine cold.He is surrounded by a dark glow, usually only included in the unfortunate, which makes them look good in a terrible way.
"Well, well, look at what you have here.
Princess Silvia and Prince Cedric said in the letter that the next problem I realized with the nose was that they bent over my fingers.He/she is muttering something with strange words I have never heard before, but this is usually the worst part.One of the worst things about you is that I can really feel that there is some dark energy on everyone that is greatly increasing, catching me, yes, this is actually controlling myself.
My trip suddenly became as important as a stone, so I couldn't breathe anymore.I can't turn.All I see is the dark power of grip from strangers and dump it on all of us.Zedrick growled, rushing at strangers like a crazy cat, and sounded like an animal.
His/her fangs are twice as long, just because in the past, if the husband was cruising around a stranger, he finally nailed the puppy to the ground.Still, I was so sick that I didn't realize that my scalp now felt dizzy and I believe I would vomit and I also know that the stranger's control over me is still in the dark.In fact, my breathing is rough, I just gasped for the weather, and the next factor I learned is that I always lose consciousness at the third point in time.
..for him?My spouse and I still woke up feeling a little dizzy, the eyelids felt very heavy and my stomach growled as if I ended up hungry.I changed my mind a little while I was moaning and comit in bed, and when I found Anton and Zedrick sitting by the bed, I couldn't breathe.The two of them raised their heads when they heard the sound and looked at me personally with assistance.
How do you feel?Anton asked with concern.
I personally only closed my eyes for a few seconds.\"My go hurts.Anton frowned despite Zedrick playing face.Half an Inch Anton said: "The healer said that I would think better after you drank some blood and gave us a glass of wine and fresh red liquid.
I have broadened my horizons, panting, and there is no way.I did not take part in drinking."No," I'm really clear, obviously in the fluid.All of a sudden my best world slowed down and I smelled the atmosphere and I probably smelled the flow of blood.
In fact, it smells really good and you should suddenly find out that I'm craving this app and I want to taste it again.I took it off.Something wrong for me?I was not going to drink blood."You know that you end up having to drink a circulating drink because you're going to be a creature of the night," zedrik ordered and sounded impatient.
I glanced at him.
"I don't drink blood.
and quiet.
Anton cleared his throat and looked at people with pleasant Tan vision."Well, he said with comfort," Shel drew blood as she was ready.Zedric snorted.What is achieved?"Actually, I asked, when I pulled the bun out, to switch my brain a little and let my hair fall on our back.
Every move they make is bad.
"He's an ebony star," Anton said .
" His voice is very serious at the moment.\"Black star?I echoed it a little confused."Yes, Anton explained that he or she was in danger under dim magic.
I'm still a little confused.
"What they mean is definitely an evil wizard, and half an inch of Zedrick mumbles, and I should admit that it is much easier.What did they do to all of us?I mean, my partner and I..I have gone through some African-American entry into my body and I suspect it is through that complete stranger, "I personally muttered calmly, from the discomfort in my mind as beforeCedric's face was cloudy.
"He threw the dark time to you, and you would die if it weren't for me.I did this to face Zedrick completely.Once again, I was really surprised to be attracted to the puppy, especially to attract his green eyes.I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.
My lips are a little small.
Zedrick saved myself.
he put my life aside.
"Why does he seem to be there now?I mean, where are we?Is this a place to avoid the wind?I quickly asked half an inch and turned around and I could really stop Zedrick's eyes."I know why he's here, replied cm Anton, \" but the possibility that he wants to kill a person means that you will now meet more people who want to destroy you.\" Good.That's exactly what I need."But is this place guarded by goblins?\" Whether.
Zedric snorted.
"Obviously, these vampire guards are as powerful as I thought they were.Anton, you are too incompetent.Anton looked down."King affiliate marketers are now heading to the actual castle.In the future, the protection and cal we have now are multiple.
The king has much more training.
Anton, half an inch, had to deal with Derek."Zederic, father wants you to be with Sylvia at any time.You will eventually protect the girl because there are a lot of people who want to destroy her and you are really more powerful than some of the other guards, Anton muttered.
Zedrick stood up angrily.
\"What?He wants me to look after her?\ "He hissed and his eyes gave off a dark red light.I took a breath.Wonderful.Just very good.Have more time with DerekI don't know if my day will get worse.Shortly after Anton left, Derek and I were sitting there purely without talking at all.
I sighed and walked towards the wardrobe in addition to pushing me off the bed.I definitely don't wear this kind of uniform anymore, it's already started with the aim of making my skin itch.My best eyes open in the garage.Mainly clothing.No pants in any way.I sighed and even grabbed a nice looking blue dress and ran to the toilet trying to put it on as quickly as possible.
Putting on that heavy dress is really an important relief.Once again, I went out in person and looked at Zedrick. he looked very boring.My partner and I sighed and walked past him.
"I sat in front of your pet and explained to tell us more about any prophecy.He contacted me and I couldn't be sure if he was basically smirking or frowning."You see," the man muttered coldly, "you can ask Anton, for when I am certainly not in the mood to talk about predictions.
Or the one selected, it must be you.
In .
This guy has been thinking about him or herself.I threw out my point and mumbled mut, "idiot, based on my response.When he raises his eyebrows, I believe my face will turn red at once.
I bet he hears the night power of US with his creatures.Superb.I had no trouble asking your ex questions and he didn't talk to me either.It was a very important time frame before I really went back to help me sleep, closing my eyes, not to mention falling asleep myself.
Blood flow.
This heart seems to keep beating.
I seemed frustrated and realized that one hand had been catching people all the time.It was Chloe.Her own eyes are absolutely closed, and she or he is unconscious.My sharp nails were dug into their sunburned body and let the maintenance fall, and the next thing I learned was that I spilled blood because of her.
I cried as soon as I woke up.
My little brown eyes seemed tearful, and I began to cry involuntarily.Zedrick seemed surprised. he immediately zoomed in.I can't stop crying so I can barely breathe.Suddenly, Zedrick wrapped up their arms.I was close to the puppy with the guy."It was just an important nightmare," he whispered in comfort.
The guy carefully wiped my tears with his hand and stared at my sight.I was pleased.When I knew it, Zedrick seemed cold.But the next thing Zedrick is now giving the impression that he basically cares."I am not a behemoth," My spouse and I sobbed, and the image of blood has come into my own mind.
"I want to be some kind of monster.
In .
Zedrick didn't say anything but simply stroked my hair.We are quiet if you like, I will not cry anymore.All of a sudden, I thought of safe and sound weapons.
Obviously, it was very quiet and awkward, but Zedrick stood up, not taking it for granted.There are painful eyes in his eyes, and unfortunately, when he thinks about leaving, the eyes are quickly consumed.I just don't know how to understand.Experience what.But there's one thing I know.Zedrick is the kind of person I think he is, and of course he was very arrogant at first, and sometimes it means, but he has a new warm caring face.
In fact, he may be so bad.
I feel my spirit beating fast.
I feel this way about his growth in me.
This project is hate.
It's all sad.
Having said so much, I think it's love.
..for your ex?No way.
I don't seem to be in my mind at all.
Make sure you comment!Find out where I will improve, or if you like it or not.Oh, please be sure to let me know when any of you have any suggestions on what will happen next in the story!This will be BM, Ellee C.Katie Arpita Rawat Erika Place: Thank you for your review!The five of you were the first to comment on the first report I wrote here by accident!There are many suggestions for people.
Do you like my adventure so far?Enjoyed it!Certainly.Not really.Virtually no
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