bubble bath The Seven Steps of Change

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-05-08
The process begins when you realize it's time to change, and you will eventually develop endurance to improve yourself.I created seven steps so it would be easier for you to start the program in the right way.Your mind, body, and soul must all run on the same track, otherwise this program will not work for you.
The most important part of the program is the beginning.You must have the right perception of what you are going to do now and the direction in which you will move towards the future.I used these seven steps myself to help me change my mind about epilepsy.
I can love myself enough and not be ashamed of my epilepsy.I think I have the ability to live the life I want to live.I feel like a different, better person.I firmly believe that if you follow this procedure, it will help you to lead a life of epilepsy with pride, creativity and joy.
Here are seven steps to guide you into your new life with epilepsy.PATIENCE -This is the first step for epilepsy patients to live a happy and healthy life, and patience is being cultivated.You need patience to successfully complete the project.
It takes time, dedication and effort to change your perception of epilepsy.The success of this project comes from the patient desire to see the results.Even if you are already a patient person, it will help you because it will relax you and improve your motivation skills at the same time.
Take a hot bath for fifteen minutes.
Also, place a oatmeal bath in the water.
Lie in the bathtub, close your eyes and take a deep breath four times slowly.3.As you take these deep breaths, clear all thoughts from your mind.Focus on the feeling of warm water touching your body and the breathing techniques you are doing at the moment.
Think about positive and happy things.
Imagine something that makes you happy.
Focus on things that make you feel good about yourself.5.Let go of any negative thoughts stored in your mind.Think about one thing that makes you feel good about yourself.
Take another four deep breaths, relax for a minute, and come out of the tub.7.Get dressed and sit on the floor in a quiet place.Close your eyes, bend slowly forward, and relax any muscles that cause you tension.
Your arms stretch as much as possible, then stretch to the right and repeat the movement.8.Take another five deep breaths and say loudly, "I have the patience to change myself and be the person I want to be.Said, "I have epilepsy, there is nothing wrong with doing epilepsy.
..Don't let any interference in your quiet time.Don't think about anything other than this exercise and the techniques it involves.Change your opinion of epilepsy.Don't let your epilepsy control you.As I grew up, I always believed I had no epilepsy.
I'm just hurting myself by doing this.
Accepting epilepsy is of great help to my life.I unleashed my inner anger and focused on the rest of my life;As a result, I became a stronger person and felt extremely proud of the person I became.You need to do the same.It may take time to achieve this.That's why you need patience to believe that you can do whatever you want as well.
Positive thinking about yourself will help you go further in your life.Step 2: Step 2 teaches you how to know all the good things about yourself.It's easy to judge others.However, it is difficult to look at yourself honestly.
Sometimes we don't focus on ourselves because we focus on other people so much that we forget the first place.This step helps to recognize all the good things in you.You will begin to have a more positive view of life.
First of all, you need to ask, "What do I have to change myself?What parts of my life need to be readjusted?What is my advantage?What is my weakness?Get yourself a notebook before answering these questions.Record your answers to these questions and keep track of your progress.This diary can help you see your features and change the features you don't like.
Look at your own positive side and praise your own achievements and work to change the negativity within us.Start by listing all the positive things about yourself on the first page.Make a list as shown below. positive points will make you live your life.
Start your diary with these positive features.About yourself.Listing your strengths item by item in your daily log will give you encouragement.Let this project reach your maximum potential.
On the next page, create a list and write down your weaknesses.Make a list that looks like this.Remember to be honest with yourself and make sure you focus not only on your strengths, but also on your weaknesses.Reviewing our weaknesses can help us see more clearly what must be changed in your life.
On the next page, list the ten goals you want to do this week to change your perception of epilepsy and how you feel about yourself.This will help you to have some insight into what you need to start doing for yourself.Start planning what new you are you want.Each time you complete a goal, put a star next to it.
Write down the date you have achieved your goal.Create a list as shown below: create a new target for week date 1.Wrote a letter to five epilepsy patients.* 10/ I want you to be ten long.In a month, what you want to accomplish and where you want to go for the semester goal.
Focus on how you will accept your epilepsy, be proud of the people you become, and how you will change the self-identity you don't like.Monthly target a page at the beginning of the book called priority calendar.Ask yourself these questions.What do you regret not making more time to do?1.
What would you do with it if you had more time? are the top 10 priorities in your life now? goals? are your business goals? the back of the diary, take a Quarterly notebook and name it your daily diary.
Dedicate the diary to someone you care about and close to, someone who is proud to see you accept that you have epilepsy and live the life you want to live.Want to be better.Write down the goals you have accomplished and explain how you feel about achieving them.Write down these achievements to make you a better person and how they can help you treat epilepsy.
Describe what you have to do to achieve your goals.The third step is about the importance of self-determination and how to develop self-determination in your heart.Self-Determined to ask you to make an agreement with yourself and keep it going.
In yourself, you will do whatever you want.It will be easier to finish this project over time.It's easy to say you want to improve, but you can't just say you want to improve;You have to go out and accomplish the goals you set for yourself.
You can't accomplish too many goals in a day.Change takes time, as step 1 says, "You need patience."Try to finish a goal in a week at the beginning.
Maybe two goals if you have time.
Then complete another goal every week until you reach 10 goals.These goals are not necessarily difficult.You can set a few small goals, maybe only one.
If you have a busy schedule, it can be hard for your work;Don't let it stop you, though.You have to make time for yourself.Remember;First in your lifeYou need to believe that you are the best.If you are mentally, physically and mentally healthy, you can't take care of the people who are most important to you and do what you want to doExistence is not complete and powerful.
Step 4: Reward yourself every time you reach a goal.Your achievements are important. you should not take it lightly.For example, watch a movie or spend some quiet time relaxing and focusing on yourself.There's nothing better for me than being alone with you.
Do something that makes you happy.
Remember, you can't make others happy unless you're happy with yourself.Step 5: In your log, list a list called "success record" and list all the achievements you have made.List all the good things you think you do for yourself.
This will make you feel good about yourself.Achievement1. record of success in this project. 6: make a special time in the day for a quiet time.Research shows that people who have quiet time every day are less likely to get sick than people who don't have quiet time, and heal faster.
Spend a few minutes during the day writing an article in the diary.Try to do it at the same time every day.Maybe when no one is at home, or just before you start a new day in the morning.You can also wait until everyone is asleep so that no one will bother you.
Give yourself at least fifteen minutes to half an hour.Relax, ask yourself this question when you write and relax;"Where do I go in my life, where do I want to go after a year?Then write it down.Make sure you focus on what you want to accomplish in your life.
The only way you can succeed in this life is to make sure that epilepsy does not control your life.You need to be proud of the changes you have made on this project.Focus on what you have achieved.Think about how you feel about epilepsy when you write in this magazine.
The goal is to open yourself up and write down your feelings honestly.This method helps heal your wounds so that you can continue your life.You have to learn to understand why your reaction to epilepsy is like this.
Find ways to strengthen yourself mentally and emotionally.Make sure you don't limit yourself by feeling sorry for yourself because you have epilepsy.That is self-Unfortunately, this is not healthy.
If you pity yourself, you will never achieve anything in your life.Free yourself from any wall built around you.This project will help you to do this.Be who you should be.Step 7: Repeat Step 7 nowThe daily step process.
Once you 've completed seven steps, go back and review what you wrote in your diary.These steps are a new way of life.Stick to these seven steps every day until you arrive where you want to go and you are completely satisfied with yourself.We have too much knowledge to learn.It's for anyone who wants it.There are more targets in my list.You should try to improve yourself.Everyone is special and everyone has their own unique place.
Your job is to find out what unique qualities you have in you and how to get them to work for you
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