Joy Inflatable - Custom Inflatables Factory for custom inflatable tents and inflatable water park.
Joy Inflatable - Custom Inflatables Factory for custom inflatable tents and inflatable water park.
Visit by Korean customer
Today our korean customer come to visit our factory looking for the inflatable air bag for them trampoline park . He hear from factory is speiclaized in inflatable stunt air bag for the foam pit of trampoline park from our website
He take his trampolin park drawings coming with his Chinese Friend .We take them to our office meeting room and he browsed our company's catalogue highlighting the products he's interested ask me quote the price .
He show me the drawing of the air bag the size is 6.33m long ;3.93m width and 1.2m height .We make the inflatbale stunt air bag for the foam pit , the height of the air bag is equa to the height of the foam pit .We would make the position of the air tube according to the customer requirements . Depend on the customer's require we make one in the back and one in the left . The customer is amazed that our innovative design for the inflatable air bag with double cover to delay this service life. Our designer draw the drawings for the customer to comfirm everything detials .
After the meeting we go to the producing department to introduce the workmanship of the Production Process of the airbag ; from cutting materials →sew→print logo→Quality Control
At last we inflate an sample air bag for the customer to check the quality .
He told me that he is very satisfied with the quality of the air bag and will order after one week because the size not confirm yet .We are warmly welcome you come to visit our factory to know more about us and our products