
How to deal with tent accidents while camping

by:JOY Inflatable     2022-06-20

Camping in the wild seems romantic and beautiful, but there will be many unexpected accidents, such as rainstorms, floods, avalanches, attacked by wild animals and so on. Sometimes inflatable camping tent will encounter emergencies. Here, I will tell you how to deal with accidents in tents when camping. The inflatable tents produced are favored by foreign customers.

1. The tent encounters water leakage

It is common for wild camping to encounter rainstorms. Generally, there will be water leakage in the pole tent, which can be remedied with glue strips, and then the candles are melted and filled around the glue strips. You can also cover leaks from outside the tent with plastic sheeting or raincoats. Of course, if you choose a military inflatable tent, you will not encounter this kind of trouble. The product uses a combination of adhesive and high-frequency heat sealing. The air column is made of PVC double-sided coated cloth, and the tarpaulin is made of waterproof and anti-ultraviolet materials. Frame wind resistance: 6 to 8 grades, when inflated ≤ 5min, continuous use for 7 days without air supply.

2. The tent is on fire

Lighting a bonfire or a candle or other heat source will Ignite the tent. Don’t panic at this time. Make a correct judgment on the extent of the fire and the development of the fire. If the fire is relatively small, it can be remedied. Some people can be assigned to fetch water, and some people can be sprayed with sleeping bags. Extinguishing. If the fire is raging, quickly evacuate to a safe place and quickly go to the water source to fetch water to put out the fire, so as to avoid the continuous spread of the fire and cause more serious consequences. At the same time, put out the bonfire and bring the equipment around the tent to a safe place. The inflatable tent can avoid the occurrence of fire due to the adaptable temperature between -25℃~+60℃.

3Tent encounters strong winds

If the tent is set up in the air vent, Strong wind blows down, so choose a leeward place to set up your tent. If a strong wind hits, you can remove the tent as fast as possible and move it to the leeward when the wind is not too strong. If the wind is already strong and the tent is blown down, to move the items in the tent, gather the items first, and then quickly move the tent to the leeward to build it again after the wind has passed.

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