where to buy bubble soccer Winning the Candy Wars

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-10-06
where to buy bubble soccer Winning the Candy Wars
Our children are being bombarded with candy from all directions.At the checkout counter of the grocery store, chocolate bars, chewing gum, suction cups and a variety of chewing gum candy are lined up.School fundraisers sell candy, cookies and brownie cakes in the hallway during lunch time.
Every shopping center, ice rink, football field, cinema, and even video store has a place to buy candy.Then the holiday.Halloween cheats or treats bags with a variety of imaginable sweets to inflate.The top of the Christmas stockings is bubble gum and chocolate bars.
Valentine's Day messages are printed on candy hearts, and candy in the box is the main way to convey love.The Easter basket is filled with fudge and chocolate bunnies.Candy is everywhere, and its presence severely destroys the teeth and waist lines of our children.
Children go to the dentist every year when they are young and young to see serious tooth decay.Childhood obesity is a national concern.With candy everywhere, and often within the eyes of children, what should parents do?How do you deal with the impact it has on your child?How do you reduce the impact of advertisers and control candy consumption in the home?How can you win the candy war?The following suggestions can help you control your child's candy consumption.Use them to increase health and healthBe your family.
First of all, be a role model for your child.If you are a chocolate lover, find yourself looking for the last chocolate bar in the cupboard, or eat a whole bag of M & M s as soon as you open it and reflect on the message you sent to your child.When your child sees that you can't control your own candy consumption, it's hard for you to control their candy consumption.
So model the message.
Eat a small portion of the candy, and put the rest aside and eat it later.Talk to your child about your wishes and your willingness to stay awake and make healthy choices about your own candy consumption.The positive image you give them about how to put the candy aside will help them to be more likely to put the candy aside on their own.
Treat Candy as a great opportunity to set limits with your child.As parents, we set limits on TV, computer time, video games, sleeping time, friends and a variety of other items.Setting a limit with candy does not mean you will make a limit if it is completely prohibited.
This means that you provide your child with the opportunity to enjoy candy in some clear parameters or guidelines.Children want guidelines.They thrive structurally.The structure provided by adults allows them to relax and become a child.Of course, they push and test the limits.That is work.Pushing and testing these limits doesn't mean your child wants to change them.
This usually means they want to see if the structure is really in place.Before you go to the store, before the Easter bunny arrives, before the Halloween bag is full, set your limits in advance before you bring the candy into the house.We will buy one in the store today, limit.
We are buying food today.
This will be a noncandy trip.
Discuss with your child how to consume candy before Halloween.Agree to eat part per day and keep part.Don't let the candy into their bedroom.Don't put a bag of candy in the cupboard for easy access.This is part of setting the limits, and as a conscious, committed parent, it is your responsibility to see that the limits have been completed.
Setting limits doesn't mean you have to say, no.Sometimes, yes, it can help you avoid the power struggle by qualifying.Can I have a piece of candy?Yes, you can have a meal after dinner.
While reducing resistance and resentment, another important way to set limits and structures for home candy consumption is to provide options for children.3.In terms of candy consumption, provide a choice for your child.Today, you can choose five pieces of candy from your Halloween bag and the rest on a different day.
Let's spread out all your candy and see what you choose.You can now choose a piece of candy or two pieces of candy after dinner.You decide.You have the option to put the Easter basket candy in the kitchen cupboard where we can track it or you have the option to go and get the candy.
Remind your child with candy.
responsibility is opportunity.
Your child has a chance to eat some candy.If they are responsible for following the parameters you set, then the opportunity will continue.If they choose not to be responsible for candy, they choose to lose the chance to have it.
In this case, the access to the candy is removed.This may mean that you have to take all the candy from the house so that no one can use it.Including you.4.Make it special to eat candy.Educating Your Child candy is not food.This is rubbish and has no nutritional value to their bodies.
Candy and the opportunity to eat it is special and reserved for special moments.Keep the candy rare and delicious.Once the boundaries are crossed, Candy becomes a daily item, and its particularity disappears, and it is now expected to exist..There are different candies around at different times to draw attention to the special events that candy may represent.
Focus on activities and how important different types of candy are at different times of the year.Talk about the cultural or family significance that a particular type of candy may represent.Shift the focus from mass consumption to meaningful consumption for you and your family.
Don't use candy as a reward.
When you use candy to motivate your child to complete a specific task or to behave in a certain way, you position it as a manipulation tool.Using candy to make a child perform better is a form of bribery that produces children performing for a certain substance.In this way, you end up with a candy trash, a person who is chasing the next ideal substance.
No parent, teacher or any professional working with a child should use candy as a reward.This distorts the role that candy should play in the lives of young people and teaches children that rewards (in this case, candy) are more important than the tasks completed..6.Help your child build inner authority.You are not always present when your child can get candy.
You will not be there to impose restrictions on your children or give them a choice.Your ability to control candy consumption is already in it.If you can start early and continue to take advantage of the above suggestions, this internal control will develop in the child.
Another way to help your child build inner control is to report to or talk about your child's choices after he comes back from where you know Candy is easy to buy.Help him think and discuss his decision.Ask him to say what he wants to stay the same and what he wants to change next time.Help him make plans on the basis of success.
Your child's inner authority is the only authority she will carry with her wherever she goes, helping her learn to trust her ability to make healthy, responsible choices.According to these six suggestions, you and your child can enjoy the wonderful taste of chocolate and other sweets.The holiday season can be filled with happy moments of special candy consumption.
Candy wars are no longer needed.
Instead, eating candy shifts from weight and tooth decay problems to a wonderful moment when you can enjoy the sweet taste on the tray
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