Tips to Open the Floodgates with Social Media - where to rent a mechanical bull

by:JOY Inflatable     2019-12-13
Tips to Open the Floodgates with Social Media  -  where to rent a mechanical bull
How do enterprises open the gate?
Is there a strategy to involve customers in your business decisions?
When we look at and explore the power of social media, these are the questions we all ask.
According to an editorial in sales power, Gerhard geshwangner says we have to stop selling in the old way. He wrote, “. . .
Sales have fundamentally changed the old attempts and pursuits. and-
The real tactics are more of the same: High pressure and low sales.
He went on to discuss what he called the "dialogue" economy and gave us the idea of action corresponding to the new handshake: 1) join the dialogue;
2) match your sales process with the way customers buy;
3) cooperation instead of pitching;
4) make it easier to buy and create social networks that showcase your knowledge.
In the new handshake: when sales meet social media, we introduce a decision --
Build a model that helps companies understand how to get people involved and at what level.
Tannebaum and Schmidt (T & S) created the model in early 1970s and published it in the Harvard Business Review.
We combine these stages and rephrase them to make it easier to understand within the framework of social media.
Basically, what T & S does is create a model based on participation and authority, and in theory, when you involve more groups in decision-making --
You give up authority or control in the manufacturing process.
Therefore, as companies become more transparent, this becomes a clear and basic problem that companies must solve.
The model starts with full authority in the "tell" mode: you just tell people what you want without expecting any feedback.
When you move up a little and give up some authority, you get into the sales model.
Here you share your decision by "selling" or convincing others to accept your point of view.
You really don't need feedback, but you care about what others think at least.
The third stage moves to the center of the continuum that you have already made your decision, but you are willing to change it.
You are in test mode.
You throw the idea out and listen to their reaction and maybe you will change your mind.
In the fourth stage, you enter the consultation mode.
You haven't made a decision here.
You want to negotiate with others and listen to them, and then you will decide what to do.
Finally, at the last stage, join the model and you make a decision with others.
Here you have the least power and the most participation.
How to adjust the T & S model to open the floodgates excerpt from the new handshake. . . “1.
Create visibility using the Tell and sell modes.
Your blog and tweets just tell the reader about your product or service.
You can also add information about the correct use of a product or service, and you can also include proof from someone else.
Then, the purpose of the narrative and sales model is to create an understanding of the product or service, rather than involving the customer in the decision-making. 2.
Use the test mode to discover new ways of doing things, try new services, and explore how to deliver them.
You ask them to react to what you have created or decided on. 3.
With the consulting model, you can really attract customers.
If a large number of your customers are attracted to social media
That is, your customers are actively involved by creating blog posts, they respond and tag content online, or they sign up on social media sites --
You can involve them in many of the decisions your company may face. 4.
When you want a customer to make a decision with you, use the join mode.
In the join mode, you no longer make a separate decision.
Here you share your decisions with your customers in a fully collaborative manner.
This level of participation has become more confusing.
The best example of joining patterns and social media is Wikipedia.
The founder of Wikipedia decided to be "crowded"
Their online encyclopedia, the idea is that many people have more information together than each of us has alone.
"This model provides a new way to think about how many customers you want to engage, and how social media can play a role in that engagement.
It provides some tips for us to develop a strategy to open the gate.
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