The Second Six Months: Moving Up - Part Five - blow up games for adults

by:JOY Inflatable     2019-10-27
The Second Six Months: Moving Up - Part Five  -  blow up games for adults
This article includes the following items: hand skills, baby's hand adapted to objects, container games, brain entering the baby, signs of developing memory, games, psychological protection.
There will also be a part of this article, so be sure to pay attention to it.
In the first six months, parents and trusted submarines were at the center of the baby universe.
While this is correct in all developmental states, from 6 months to 12 months the baby has developed the skills to expand his world of interest.
He is no longer a baby with arms and legs, but a baby exploring the floor.
At his stage, growth accelerated.
Baby's weight gained third, the first word appears, the real thumband-
The index finger pickups appear, along with the first step crawling and steps.
These skills have also contributed to the development of parents as security patrol personnel.
The baby's motor development enables him to gain more and more body from the ground.
By six months he was already 2 feet and The Baby Chase started.
In the previous stage, when you put a small piece of food in the baby's hand, the baby will tilt it towards itself and manipulate it to the end of the thumb and finger, finally pick it up with your thumb and index finger.
At this stage, after dozens of pickups, the baby has developed a neat clamp. Put a tiny O-
Form grain particles in front of him and watch him grab it with a clean thumb without a doubtand-
Pick up the index finger and don't pull it in first and put your hands on the table.
The baby puts the tip of the index finger on it, rolls the finger to the thumb and grabs it! he\'s got it.
The baby puts his hand on the object, puts the new pencil (not sharpened) on the table and watches the baby catch it.
Now turn the pencil at different angles and watch the baby turn his hand parallel to the long axis of the pencil, in-
Make flight corrections on the way to the target.
Before, the baby grabbed a toy impulsively.
First of all, figure out how to pick it up best.
Now, Baby decides how to manipulate the toy before catching it.
The main curiosity at this stage is the relationship between toys: how relevant a big toy is to a small toy, how a small object fits a larger toy.
Improved operational skills enable the baby to find the combination of objects-
Banging toys together, stacking and constantlyfavorite fill-and-dump.
Being able to manipulate two toys together opens up endless possibilities of play for these curious little hands, and at the end of the first year, the baby discovers the concept of containers and emptiness.
Here are some activities to help your baby enjoy new skills * give your baby a big plastic glass or shoe box and watch curious hands poke around the inside of the container.
Now give the baby a block and observe how he introduces the block and the container.
The hand works with the mind to figure out how to put the block into the box and, of course, how to dump the block out.
After mastering the release-in-and-dump-
Go out, baby shook the container and listened to the pieces that flopped inside.
Pay attention to calculation-
When he experienced many game groups with a simple block and a simple cup, he expressed the fact of the baby.
* Put cotton in your ears and take out the pot bowl pans basin!
Baby likes to put small pots into bigger pots, and of course, the noise of banging and falling.
* Bath and sink games (always supervised) give the dump truck master a workout in filling and pouring.
Scoop up a glass of water and pour it out, causing a big sensation in the baby's favorite game list.
* Put the baby in a big laundry basket half full of small clothes, preferably socks and baby clothes.
After the baby takes the clothes out of the basket, put your little helper outside the basket and show her how to "put it in", \ "pick up a sock and put it back in the basket for her.
If you can enter your child's brain and understand what your child is thinking, then enter your child's brain. Well, you can --sort of.
You can understand her thoughts by observing how the baby plays.
You can infer what kind of psychological process the baby can perform by giving the baby an opening prompt and noticing her reaction.
What we call fillingin-the-Fill in the blanks.
Guess, yes, but it's the best thing you can do before your child tells you what she's thinking.
Although the baby can't speak yet, she can tell you what she thinks in body language.
Signs of developing memory.
When you were ninemonth-
Old, pointing to a photo of a cat, "cat.
\ "Looking at his face, you will most likely see an identification light going on.
Because the cat in the House lives outside, he may look at the door.
The photo of the cat triggered a spiritual association.
Your child stores the image of a cat in memory and remembers that he usually raises a cat.
You can also observe that he now has the mental ability to identify the similarities between the cat in the book and the cat in his life. Name that tune.
At this stage, the baby does remember what happened recently.
If you happen to take your child to a park with music, such as Disney World, the theme of one of the regions may impress him.
Now, if you play or sing that song, your child may show excitement and a smile, indicating that he remembers what he saw and heard the day before. Cue Words.
It is believed that the baby will store some information, and if they hear the cue word, it is like pressing the button in the baby's mental record machine, the whole memory record will come down.
For example, suppose you take your child to the park or take a walk on the water every day.
When he is nine months old, you may say "go" and your child will most likely climb to the door because the word "go" triggers a vision of play --
Side, drive, or any other activity related to going out.
No matter what you add, he may not react differently.
However, a year later, his brain was able to remember more completely.
Now, when you say "go to the park", he expects not only to be carried out, but also to go for a walk in the park as usual.
If you turn in the direction outside the park, he may protest.
He can relate clear words and actions to clear events.
Anything that does not meet his spiritual expectations is worth booing.
This illustrates the value of talking to your child and explaining things --by-
This way he will not be taken because of an accident or unnecessary disappointment, which is a setting for tantrum behavior.
What's behind the door?
Now, Baby's vivid memory enables him to remember what is behind the closed door.
At 11 months, your baby may sit in front of the open kitchen cabinet and notice the inviting pot bowl pans Basin he will grab, remove it from the shelf, to some extent only parents can love.
(Fortunately, for human ears, baby play time is very short.
) When the baby has finished the sound effect, take the pan bowl pans basin and close the door.
From then on, your child will remember the noisy toy after closing the door and will rotate in the direction of the cabinet every day, zoom in on the door and try to open it.
Looking for games to play with lost toys.
A mental skill that may begin to mature at this age is the concept of object permanence ---
The ability to remember where the toy is hidden.
In the past, the invisible things were no longer in my mind.
If you hide the toy under the blanket, the baby has little interest in finding the toy.
Try this experiment.
Let the baby see you put a favorite toy under one of the two cloth diapers in front of him.
Looking at the baby studying diapers for the time being, it's like trying to figure out which diapers are covered on the toy.
Through the "I'm thinking" expression on his face, you'll feel like he's trying to recall in memory which diaper the toy is hiding under.
He made the decision to take off the diaper covering the toy and showed great joy in making the right choice.
Try this one, always put the toy under the first diaper, and then let him watch you put the toy under the second diaper.
If you keep the toy under the first diaper, even if the baby sees you putting the toy under the second diaper, most of the time, he initially searches under the first diaper, because the scene is still fixed in his memory.
When the baby's reasoning power is mature, about 12 to 18 months, he may always remember that you changed the toy under the second diaper, or see the bump under the second diaper and realize that the toy must be there. Hide-and-seek.
Baby's new memory power has made this game the most popular one.
Let the baby chase you on the sofa
When she loses you, look at the edge of the sofa and call her name.
Baby will climb where she sees you.
In the end, she will imitate you and peek at herself on the sofa.
Next, add the game that sounds.
Do not let the baby see where you are hiding, but hide it, but call her name.
Watch her crawl through the house, then stumble, looking for her voice that matches the missing spirit.
Keep the sound and keep the interest of searching for babies.
At this stage, the mental protection of the baby becomes more discerning and begins to feel about harmful objects or situations.
But it's a very valuable skill, so don't rely on it.
High consciousness.
As the classic Visual cliff experiment shows, usually a one-year-old baby develops a high level of psychological awareness.
The crawling baby is placed on a long glasstop table.
Under half the glass of the table is a board pattern.
The same board pattern is placed under the other half of the glass table, but on the floor 4 feet below.
The babies were placed on the board of the table and encouraged to climb over to their mother.
When the baby reached the end of the first board pattern, their hands still hit the glass, but their eyes told them there was a drop --
When the baby reached the obvious cliff, they stopped crawling.
This experiment shows that babies at this stage do have the psychological ability to determine the edge and height and are able to decide not to cross the edge.
But don't let your kids play on the table!
For babies who are particularly impulsive, their temperament exceeds their psychological awareness of danger, and they may crawl from the edge.
Mom gave us a chance. ahead.
As an interesting twist in the visual cliff experiment, when babies climb to their mother, their mother projects a happy, nothing --to-
Most babies climb past the visual cliff.
When the mother expresses fear, the babies will stay where they are.
Conclusion: The mother acts as an emotional regulator of the baby, who is able to read her facial signal or reflect his own signal and respond to the situation based on the feedback he receives.
Babies read our faces, especially things related to them.
If you tend to be anxious or depressed for a long time, your child will apply what he sees on your face to himself and the whole life.
A face that gives true joy to life is a wonderful legacy for your children (and yourself.
Articles on baby, breast or bottle feeding and other related topics will be more.
So please keep an eye on my more articles.
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