
party rentals Artpro Nail Printer, GlamourNail, Finger2Go, & other Nail Art printers Review

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-08-10
party rentals Artpro Nail Printer, GlamourNail, Finger2Go, & other Nail Art printers Review
After seeing the printer at CES show, do you consider buying the Artpro DingTalk machine?Or rent the DingTalk Tat \ 'z machine (same as the Artpro DingTalk printer, they are the US distributor of the machine )?How about being a charm manicure franchisee (they don't use the Artpro nail printer but use the brand's pointer machine?How about being the owner of fingers2s2go (using the Artpro DingTalk machine?Well, think about it again.After spending a year on these machines and doing years of research, I can tell you that these machines are not worth spending or considering.What do these printers do?Simply put, these printers can print any image you want directly on your nails.
A layer of white nail polish was prepared for the nail before printing, not professional nail polish (which helps the ink stick to the nail ).Once the nails are polished dry, you put your fingers on the machine to print.When the machine works, it's amazing to see a small and detailed picture printed on your nails.
The following video shows the role of various nail printers: Guangzhou Tai Chi Electronics \ 'Artpro nail printer (Video 1-Business feasibilityAlthough the nail printer looks like a "cash cow" on the surface ".If you look deeper, you will soon realize that they are more of a money pit "."In the past decade, three big companies have tried to make money from nails, but they have failed;Because the DingTalk printing service is too time-consuming, too prone to failure, lack of technical support.
In addition, there are many companies in the United States, Australia, Europe and Latin America who buy cheap and unstable Asian nail printers in large quantities.Draw them with their logo, hire high pressure sales reps, and show trade shows to people who cheat business owners when buying these machines.In the headline below, I will detail how and why these companies failed, why you should be skeptical about local Asian nail printer dealers, why shouldn't you try to get into this very problematic industry.
After the 90 s, Atlus, a Japanese company known for video games and innovative automated entertainment solutions, launched NailMore.Self-service machine that can print images directly on nails, one nail at a time.NailMore is the first nail printer specially placed in Japanese shopping malls, arcades and other public spaces;It takes $3 for a print.
The machine was launched in Japan in July 1999 and later in the same year in South Korea and Hong Kong.Although the machine was lovely and sold well, Nailmore did not catch up as expected, but was eliminated in the medium term00s.Since NailMore is the most viable nail printer ever produced, it is highly imitated by Korean and Chinese companies;D and high-tech Fingerstar machines, as well as Glamournail vending machines in Australia, complete with the 'nailmore machines of ripoffs Atlus.
..It uses die-cutting to make design impressions and spray ink on die-cutting;Ink is similar to nail polish.After the ink passes through the mold, the impression is placed on a stamp printed on the finger.You can make two fingers for $3.There are 100 machines in Kanto and Kansai, Japan.
It was advertised in magazines, news and even on a major teen interest site, but the nail machine didn't keep up.Why did the Japanese nail machine fail?Although, it may not be because the machine is not well built.Japan is known for being a leader..Both companies have a team of talented engineers.
Sell the product very carefully.
This cannot be due to lack of promotion.
Similarly, both companies have strong media connections, and their machines often appear on TV shows, news, hot magazines, and are placed in areas with heavy traffic.At the time, Atlus worked with a famous actress to help promote their machines.The main problems of the past and the future are time factors.
Nails must be painted with a few layers of white nail polish and then with clear nail polish so that the ink can stick to the nails.About 10-Apply nail polish in 15 minutes to dry them.After the nails are ready, it takes about 2-Print a nail for 3 minutes;All 10 nails need 2530 minutes.
Only when all the nails are printed on their first attempt.This process requires a total of 45-Completed in 60 minutes.In the kiosk pavilion or mall environment of the mall, too much time is wasted.
As a result, most people have tried the DingTalk machine once, purely for novelty, but have not come back.After the 90 s Mark moboquette and his friends are trying to create a nail printer that can revolutionize the nail industry.Their work created Imaginail, a printer made for the owner of a nail salon that can be printed on five nails at a time.
A company founded around the invention of Mombourquette, led by an ambitious entrepreneur with a double bachelor's degree and an MBA.In the early 00 s, the company entered the DingTalk conference scene with great enthusiasm and impressed many people with excellent technical demonstrations.Today's show, Tech TV, and other talk shows around the world have them.
The owner of the nail salon that does hand-made nails is scared and very impressed with the machine.A few people took out a small loan to get one;The price of the machine is $7,000.About 15-20 minutes (prepare and paint the nails, wait for the nails to dry, put the hands into the machine, find the design, etc.
) to complete a set of 10 nails.
Unlike shopping malls, the time factor is not a big deal, as nail shop customers are more patient than the public.However, Imaginail failed to resonate.Why?The nail printer has a steep learning curve that requires expensive proprietary materials to operate (ink cartridges, ink receptor nail polish (which makes the ink stick to the nail), if a fault/repair occurs, specific machine parts or repairs are required ).Overall, it's cheaper for salon owners to attend nail art workshops (or watch nail art videos on Youtube for free) or hire manicurists than to buy Imaginail printers.
A decent manicure costs $2.
$5 per nail;Using a manicure is an add-on$20 manicure service is available.;High resolution pre-Design nail packaging (stickers) applied to nails by heating ).Minx training is neither expensive nor time consuming (about 2 hours) and the salon can charge $60 to complete the full set of Minx.
Finally, most nail customers find the whole digital nail art ugly (some images look distorted or blurry) and generally prefer to place simple designs on nails.Imaginail sold their company's Salonique on 2006..Although Imaginail recoveredAnd can still be sold.
Mattel launched a Barbie nail printer in 2009.DingTalk printers are made exclusively for Mattel by Lexmark, a billion-dollar printer company.Mattel brought the machine to 2009 toy exhibition, which impressed the visitors of the conference.
After the Toy Show, the Barbie nail printer was included in the list of 2009 Christmas toys for each major publication;There are advertisements on TV and in magazines.The price of $199 is really expensive.But it is the first consumer DingTalk printer to enter the U.S. market.DingTalk printer sales are relatively good, but returns are very common for printers, customers are asking for help from Mattel's customer support services, and many complain about the price of ink ($29 ).
99 + $3.
.The machine was quickly eliminated in 2011.Why failed?Very similar to the nail printer in Japan, Barbie's nail printer was created with a lot of technical knowledgehow.So there is no fault with the machine.The problem is: Unlike computer paper, natural nails have different shapes and sizes.
Therefore, printing nails correctly with this or any DingTalk machine requires trial and error.In order to get the perfect print effect, you have to understand how to align your nails correctly with your nail printer.Depending on one's attitude and skill levelIt can take hours, days, or weeks to master it.
.However, for the average Barbie consumer, the girl 8-At the age of 12, the learning curve was too high.So the printer failed.Artpro nail printer is the most popular nail art equipment for dealers in the United States.They look the most decent, more stable and relatively cheap compared to other DingTalk printers ($2,500 per unit ).
The Chinese-made machine company Guangzhou Tai Chi Electronics is very active at the US trade show and is very friendly to Western buyers.They will provide "exclusive" territorial partnership for anyone who buys a lot of machines from them and repurchases themBrand them under the company name.However, the "brand" printer does not give you any advantage, and the "exclusivity" is limited to small sales.
Since all distributor machines look the same in every way, Guazhou Tai Chi Electronics will still sell directly to customers who want to buy 10 machines at one time.Finally, the after-sales support given to you by Guangzhou Tai Chi Electronics will be few or even none.So when your client's machine doesn't work anymore, you're basically your own.
In fact, every American dealer who sells Artpro nail machines is out of business.It's a bit easy to sell DingTalk printers, but it's hard to provide support.The amount of working hours needed to solve the various problems of this machine, without the help of the original manufacturer, consumes any profit people get from selling it.
.FN2 G sells branded versions of these machines in the UK.DingTalk Tat \ 'Z will lease units ($200 per month, locked in a four-year lease agreement) or sales units (approx.$6,000).FN2G wants to sell you a franchise license instead of having you buy the machine separately.
Their license starts from $20,000 to $100,000.However, see what the Artpro nail printer sells for (you can buy it for $300)) It doesn't seem worth it.Tat z and FN2 G are not household names DingTalk.
Neither company has a patent for DingTalk technology and does not offer much after-sales service.sale support.So, you 'd better buy a used Artpro nail machine on eBay or buy a new machine directly from Artpro nail for $2,500.Because there is no added value to buy from these distributors.
D & Tech's finger star machine costs around $3,000-$5,000.This machine is a replica of the Atlus \ 'Japanese Nailmore machine (made in 1999.They usually own and distribute to Koreans or Koreans.
Americans in the United StatesI'm not sure about their support, but I know Koreans tend to be very supportive of themselves.You may have seen these machines in stores in Korea.(Now owned by Koreans-Americans), but have been removed from the mall since then.
These machines are designed to be self-Services are provided using cash and/or debit card receivers on board.However, since it is difficult for new users to figure out how to get a good print, they have more hands.These machines are mainly sold to South Korea.
Americans are in the pavilions of their shops or shopping malls.In the late 2011 s, however, charm nail companies began franchising their brand nail machines to Western audiences.$20,000 investmentThe $100,000, registered in Hong Kong but Australian-based company has promised to provide "territorial" rights to their nail machines.
Considering that you can buy the finger Star Machine, this is a big loophole, it is the same in all respects as the Glamournail machine except for some cosmetic changes;About $6,000, enough room for negotiation.I will elaborate on the very similar of the business practices Fingernails2go Glamournail and the corresponding ones, and later on in this article.Maple Leaf nail printer, available in other names, but most often, for $800 (no LCD screen )-$1600 (with LCD screen ).
It works similar to the Imaginail printer because it can print five nails at a time.However, unlike the Imaginail printer, it can also print on small objects such as mobile phones and flowers.This machine, like all DingTalk printers, has mechanical problems and instability.
It can work, but can't build the business in a continuous way.In addition, the manufacturer is an unnamed Chinese company that does not provide any support.If your business relies on a machine, then you want to make sure that you are supported by the company that made it.
Therefore, if the machine fails or the supply is insufficient, you will know exactly who to look.This support type does not exist when you are dealing with Asian nail printer manufacturers.If the dealer is unable to get decent support from the manufacturer, then they will not be able to provide support to the customer.
If they can't support their customers, they will go out of business.Renting or using a nail machine for a party is not a bad idea.Almost all people who have DingTalk machines will eventually do so because it is the only real way to make some kind of money from these machines.
I-That's what the California salon does.
However, getting enough prints on your nails requires a lot of practice.So you need an experienced assistant (and also a guest if you're lucky) to help others print their nails.In the video above, the customer who gets the best print is guided by an expert.
The new person who tried this machine for the first time will not be so lucky.As you can imagine, someone is dressed up for the party, disappointed by the wrong nail print;.Also, the more mobile printers you have, the more likely you will need to reinstallalign it.
Re-Aligning the printer is a pain, and the DingTalk machine with a large LCD Display weighs more than 80 lbs.You also need to have more than 1 machine for rent to party with assistant in order to manipulate the machine.You need a lot of machines because people will rent them on weekends or long holidays.
You need to provide an assistant as only those who have spent the right time know how to get the best print out of it.There are a few assistants, there are a lot of machines on hand, and they can work every weekend and holiday, which will erode your profits.For the time and money invested, you can find an easier and more profitable way to make money in the DingTalk business.
Names may change, but the modus operandi remains the same.The business model of the DingTalk printer franchise is: buy some ordinary Asian DingTalk printers for $1,000$3,000 per pieceBrand them for their own, create gorgeous marketing materials to attract buyers, attend meetings, hire attractive women to move around in Nail Prints, then sell franchises to dazzling entrepreneurs for $20,000 or more.The DingTalk printer is a great technical demo.
Therefore, it is easy for us to understand why this business model was effective in the first place.However, it is doomed to fail in the long run.As I explained earlier, there are a lot of problems facing printing entrepreneurs in DingTalk.
For franchisees, their franchise licenses are of little value.The franchisee does not own or license a patent for nail art technology.This makes it easy for them to be sued by the original copyright owner or to make it easier for competitors to enter the nail printing market.
DingTalk the manufacturer is willing to sell the bulk machine directly to anyone who is willing to pay.For $10,000, you can enter the DingTalk printing machine market.The DingTalk printer consists of modified 3rd-party software, auxiliary general-purpose components, and modified HP printer components.
Since this machine was made with a hodgepodge of parts, there were many random program failures and the manufacturer did not explain how to solve them.They don't know because they haven't fully tested these machines yet.Therefore, franchisees need to be smart enough to learn how to diagnose and deal with printer problems on their own.
But DingTalk franchisees often have a background in the sales or beauty industry;This means that they seriously lack the engineer skills needed to successfully repair and maintain these machines for others.Again, these machines are not plug-and-play devices.The business model of franchising relies on deception to sell machines.
The fact is, the DingTalk printer is not its own.Serve the "easy money making" solution they sell.They are too expensive to maintain, too time consuming for kiosk customers to appreciate, too flawed to build a business.
After months of low sales and DingTalk of printer failures, franchisees will soon become disappointed and criticize your company's online scams.In early 2013, the vending company closed down.Most of this is due to fraud charges, in which the franchisee says the owner took their money but never gave them a machine.
The interesting thing about nail printing franchises is that, outside of the beauty convention, they are rarely seen in the real world.Maybe it's because they know that DingTalk printers are not money-making machines they sell.If these machines do make money then they will be 100% owned by a large company (the company will seek ownership of all nail printing patents and take the initiative to sue competitors) it is not available without a franchise license.
Think about it.
In addition to snacks, sweets and drinks, the unique and successful concept of vending is very rare.So when a unique vending idea is successful, they will never be licensed.Red Box and red box ).Started by a person who was deceived by the charm nail art, he strangely imitated the marketing strategy of the charm nail art.
The company is based in the United Kingdom and was founded in 2013.Like glamerning, they are also interested in selling franchises to gain regional rights..So you might get a machine if you give them some money.
The chances of you making big money are very small.The company uses Artpro nail printers, which are already built into the custom stand for the kiosk Pavilion.Video Demo-.If you live in the UK and are interested in the doable sex of this machine, it's worth visiting Westwood for yourself.
Artpro nail machine is the most popular nail machine sold by independent dealers.They do work, but their work is not consistent enough to build a business.The main problem with this machine is a poor utility, low accessibility to supply, light weight, software failure and zero technical support.
The backend utility is not user friendly.
It's tedious to adjust the printer.
The instructions of the instructions are very vague and are stillScreen adjustment is not very clear.This is a critical OS bug because if your printer is aligned incorrectly, it will not print correctly on your nails.This makes the calibration printer an endless trial and error game full of frustration, time and waste of ink.
You don't know when the printer is not aligned because of a software failure, a cartridge defect, or a hardware problem.Some of the lessor's but equally annoying utility issues are: being able to "Nozzle Check" without the "head cleaning" option and not being able to check the "ink level" of the current cartridge ".The Artpro nail printer uses the HP cartridges that you can purchase in any store.
It's true if you live in China.
HP cartridges don't work on that machine and you have to rely on a US dealer to carry these cartridges.If the dealers go down, many of them go down within a few years, and you don't have a source of ink.As the printers get smaller, it doesn't make any sense why these printers weigh 80 lbs.
Most of the weight is due to the steel housing set up by the printer, because the interior of the printer itself is relatively bare.The unnecessary weight of the printer makes transportation support problems or sales difficult and expensive.The Artpro nail printer has been out for nearly 10 years, which is also surprising to me, but there is no major attempt yet to update the form or software of the machine.
Insufficient memory of the printer can cause many software failures.Getting an image from a card with 1 mb or more of memory can cause the machine to crash.Re-Installing a new image permanently on the machine can cause it to crash.
8 "nozzle checks" in a row can cause the machine to run out of memory and crash.Therefore, printing can be tested (for re-printingAlign) 10 times in a row.Uploading 8 images temporarily and trying to print all 8 images at a time also causes it to crash.
Finally, when your machine fails, the only technical support provided is to get to your address by phone and FedEx parts.Installing new parts will be a challenge unless you have engineering skills.However, you rarely get any kind of help.Since DingTalk printer companies (and their US distributors) have never had proper testing of these machines in the real world.
Therefore, they may not know anything about how to solve the most complex problems of the machine as you do.On Google you will soon find US patents for Atlus, Belquette, Mattel and Casio (another Japanese company.Their patents are even mentioned or quoted from each other.
But you will not find a patent from Guangzhou Tai Chi Electronics, charm nails, nail s2go (FN2G) or any Chinese/Korean nail printer company.A Belquette representative told me that these companies do not have the title or license of a US patent in any nail printing technology and that their machines infringe the copyright of the real patent owner.If these companies have a patent for perhaps nail printing technology in China, South Korea or Australia, the patent is valid only in these countries.
companies that want to sell patent protection technology in the United States must apply for a patent here.Otherwise, they filed a lawsuit against someone in the United States who may have a patent.So if you buy these Asian nail printer counterfeits, it's a miracle to turn them into a huge success.
People who have a patent for nail printing technology will sue you in the United States.The same is true for HP and Lexmark, as these Asian DingTalk printers use illegally modified versions of printers from each company., This is passed and passed by copyright infrignes on the Atlus \ 'NailMore machine.
To be honest, it doesn't matter if these companies win or lose when they sue you.They will let you waste a lot of time and money in defending their suit.The bottom line is that there is no "easy money" in the nail printing service ".
Many companies, led by very smart and ambitious people, have tried but failed.Japan tried shopping malls but missed them.A country that loves technology as much as nail art.
Imaginail tried and failed at the nail salon.Because it is more profitable to sell Minx or hand manicure in a salon.Mattel tried to sell personal home machines but failed.
Because the DingTalk printer is not a plug-and-play device.Being a regional distributor is a failure because the cost of supporting these machines is very high and manufacturers are willing to sell directly to others (competing with you for major sales ).It's too time consuming to use a DingTalk machine as a party rental.
Finally, only Asian nail machine manufacturers made profits by selling nail machines.Their business model is to sell nail machines made of the cheapest materials to others without providing any support.If you can produce, promote the issuance of high-tech savvy decrees suitable for home use-34 year olds.
You can make money, but it requires millions of dollars worth of development, a legal team to buy a patent for perhaps fingernail printing, and a large-scale marketing campaign, have a team of knowledgeable customer service reps.Everything that ordinary entrepreneurs don't have.Nail-From Japan to H.K.Lash Girl\'s A-EBay price for Artpro nail printer (used-Craigslist post for Artpro printer-.
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