Palm Tree Care - inflatable palm tree

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-03-13
Palm Tree Care  -  inflatable palm tree
Palm trees are beautiful tall trees and people need to take care of them in order to make sure they stay in this state.
Learn some important tips about palm tree care.
Palm trees are easily identified, characterized by large, evergreen leaves arranged at the top of the United Nationsbranched stem.
They are very versatile in terms of growth habits and habitat requirements.
They are found in tropical areas, rainforests and even deserts.
They are. xa0The gardener's Joy dominates most of the landscape.
They are elegant when they stand alone, combine together or line up to form a path.
Varieties from large long leaves to short leaves vary from high to medium.
To get the best palm trees, go to the local nursery where you can find a wide variety of palm tree types to choose from.
Keep in mind that palms that can be grown as indoor plants have some different requirements than outdoor plants.
Choose a palm with at least four healthy branches at the bottom of it, and a Bud on the leaf node (which will be your new bud) to sprout from the bottom.
Check if there are any diseases or small mites that can be hidden under green leaves.
Choose native plants because they are more resistant to climate and soil change.
Plant the tree within one day of purchase.
It is always best to plant palm trees during the rainy season, but for colder places, warm months can also be done.
Dig a hole wide enough and deep enough to fit the root ball.
Fill the holes with prepared soil.
Prepare the soil by mixing a portion of fine sand, a portion of mud, a portion of compost and a portion of fungi.
Mix some fertilizer.
Sand will help with drainage, mud will keep moisture, and fungi and compost will provide enough nutrients for palm trees to accelerate their growth.
People can use the same soil preparation when planting trees in flower pots.
Water your palm.
Fill it with enough water;
This will help it solve the mud problem.
Mature palms need to be fed at least twice a year with slow release palm fertilizer, and indoor plants need to be fed four times.
If liquid fertilizer is used, it is added every two months.
The composition you add will depend on the size of the tree.
Make sure that the fertilizer you choose contains some nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, etc.
A small percentage
Always spread the fertilizer 1 feet away from the trunk on the outer ring of the tree.
For potted palm trees, add along the outer ring.
Basically, fertilizers should not be added directly near the roots as they damage (burn) the roots.
Water the plants thoroughly after fertilization.
Pruning of palm trees, including tall ones, is essential for their healthy growth.
Indoor palm trees need to be trimmed to cut leaves that turn yellow or black due to disease.
Trim them from the bottom;
Some loose leaves can be pulled out by hand.
If they don't come down, let them do it a little longer.
It is important for big palm trees to remove flowers and fruit stalks.
Some people like to let it fall naturally from the tree;
In this case, make sure there are some nets that break their fall.
Covering and adding compost to palm plants will also make it grow well.
Therefore, the basis for outdoor and indoor palm tree care is similar.
All you need to do is pay attention to their size and work with the techniques mentioned above.
Keep in mind that different varieties require different care.
Sticking to these tips will help make sure your palms stay green and swing happily in the wind.
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