
inflated balloon Lesson Plans in Teaching Motion

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-09-29
inflated balloon Lesson Plans in Teaching Motion
Technical Overview-If students are provided with the most favorable and stimulating environment to develop their scientific and technological attitude towards self-improvement in concepts, skills, scientific learningStudy independently.The development of the technical intermediary course in the teaching movement provides children with the opportunity to do what they want-to explore, think, talk, share and play!It gives them the opportunity to discover that the world is full of good things.The development of technology-The development of technical intermediary courses is guided by the curriculum format established by gagne's nine learning levels based on the teaching design of the use of technology-oriented courses.
-The theme of this lesson;II.
-Schedule and place of study;III.
-Summary of the whole teaching for the subject and purpose of the technical intermediary course;IV.-The overall objectives and specific objectives of this lesson;V.-Resource materials for this lesson;VI.-The steps of teaching;VII.-VIII.-Collect evidence of student performance over a period of time to measure learning and understanding;X.
-Stimulate students' interest, tap and learn more about this lesson, and accept the concept of the next lesson.Technology-Mediation course in sports: Sub-The technical intermediary course in motion is an alternative delivery model and is another tool in the instructoro toolbox that should maintain the same standard as any other delivery method.The course is shown by the teacher-Led presentations for discovery and group activities, providing students with methods to simulate, manipulate, investigate and apply the concepts they have learned.
The topics of this technical course include: 1) force and movement;2) Gravity;3) Friction;4) Speed;5) Velocity;Law of Inertia; law of inertia7) acceleration and;8) the law of interaction.Technology-1.Understand the goals set in each lesson.2.Consider the timing or duration of each lesson.3.Check the activity flow of each lesson and the materials to be used.
Install to each computer or device.
The technology to be used in each lesson.
Choose the right place for an activity or teachingprocedure.7.The result of the developer's technical mediation lessons.Free fall?To find the answer, click the hyperlink.
Motion is defined as a change in position relative to the reference point.However, it is not easy to judge an object when it changes its position.One thing moved because it changed relative to the position of the stationary object.
A stationary object is a fixed object.
.A fixed object can be a column, a building, a fence, or any fixed object.Force is push or pull.When the force used on an object is unbalanced or unbalanced, the movement moves in the direction of a larger force.When the balance force is used on an object, there is no movement.
Force and motion are defined in operation.2.3.Determine the factors that affect movement.4.Comparison and comparison of balance and uneven force.
Use a force just.
Let the students form word movements from the letters scattered in the room.Post their answers on the bright signUse a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation to present a set of clip art (gif files ).Each image is described by the student.B.Ask students to do simple activities below.
1) What does it take to move an object?2) Is it easier to start objects moving quickly or slowly?An object needs to move.moving.1) tie the line to a heavy book.2) put the board on the empty jar and put the book on it.3) gently pull the line.How does the book move?4) keep the thread slack now and then give it a very tough tugboat.
What happens to the thread?along.
To start the truck, pull it.
Pull the truck to keep it going.
In this case, do you exert greater power?An object needs to move.moving.Slow down the line?2) How do you describe the movement of the book when you pull/pull the thread hard?The truck starts moving with the force you applied to keep it moving?Discuss the results of the activity.Students are required to define force and movement according to the activity.
When discussing lessons about power and motion, take advantage of the slides prepared in the MS Powerpoint presentation.VII.Summarize all the concepts you have learned.What is power?Motion?How do you know if there is any sport?How would you describe sports?What causes the object to move?How will you compare and contrast the balance from the power of imbalance?How will you use your power in your daily life?use?VIII.
UK/school/Science Center/age/6_7/strength _ sports..IX.The children are playing tug of war.of-war.Every team wants to win the game.They held on to the rope and pulled it hard.At first, no one seemed to move.Then the two teams moved back and forth for a few minutes.
Finally, the children of one team went out of their way and pulled the other team across the street.1.Why did the other team lose?2.What helped the winning team?I.II.III.Gravity is a downward force that tries to pull two objects to each other.Anything of mass has gravity.The larger the mass of the object, the stronger its gravity.
The gravity of the Earth is what keeps you on the ground and what causes the object to fall.Gravity is the reason for the planet to orbit the sun, and the reason for the moon to orbit the Earth.The closer you are to an object, the stronger its gravity.
Gravity gives you weight.
It is this force that pulls all the quality of your body.IV.1.Distinguish gravity from other forces acting on an object.2.It is inferred how gravity affects the movement of an object.
Investigate some factors that affect gravity pull.4.Show humility in various ways.V.VI.A.Recall the concept of sports.http://www.makemegenius.com/video_play.php?.1.) Why is it difficult to climb the highest part of the stairs?2.Why does the fruit fall?3.) What kind of force causes the ball to fall to the ground?Describe it.
Discuss the concept of gravity by citing cases and showing examples.Divide the class into five groups.Ask the group for a 20-minute event.A hard copy of the activity will be provided.A member must be assigned as a video recorder.
The entire activity (procedure, data and observations, answers and conclusions) must be recorded ).The file must be sent to the teacher after a given time.Standard for video-Cooperation/teamworkCorrectness of data-Total-I.
Question: How does force affect movement?II.III.1.) Get a coin.Throw the coin up and let it fall to the ground.Observe what happens2.) Slide coins on the floor.Infer why coins slow down and stop.3.Prepare a feather and a coin.Place the feathers and coins 2 metres above the floor.
Observe which one will reach the ground first if you put down the feathers and coins at the same time.IV.Answer the following questions.1.Which object first reaches the ground?2.) What is the power that causes the coin to fall to the ground?Describe it.3.) Why does the coin rolling on the floor slow down and stop?4.
) What kind of force against the movement of feathers?V.VII.Let the students finish the phrase.(Ask a few students to complete the phrase before giving all the concepts about gravity.I have learned that gravity is excited.VIII.Students are assessed based on the results of the activity.
What is friction?2.
What are the different types of friction?Describe each.I.II.III.Friction is the force against movement.It causes the object moving along the surface to slow down and eventually stop.Friction is a force that opposes movement between two surfaces in contact with each other.
Air friction affects the movement of falling objects by acting on gravity.There are different kinds of friction.Rolling friction is the friction associated with the rotating motion of the wheel or other circular objects along the surface.When two objects rub or slide each other, sliding friction is also called dry friction.
Fluid friction is the friction between a solid object and the liquid or gas it moves.An object experiences fluid friction through a fluid, called resistance.Drag acts between the object and the fluid, hindering the movement of the object.
Resistance depends on the shape of the object, the material and the speed, and the viscosity of the fluid.On the other hand, static objects also create static friction.It prevents the object from moving against the surface.
Even if the table is slightly tilted, this power prevents a book from slipping off the table.IV.1.It is inferred how friction affects the movement of an object.2.Compare the movement of objects on different surfaces.
List some advantages and disadvantages of friction.4.Show ways to reduce friction between friends and family.V.VI.A.Simple stretching and relaxation.Q: How do you do casual exercise without falling?What materials or objects do you use or wear to prevent you from sliding?B.
Use the Microsoft powerpoint presentation to discuss lessons on friction.Demonstrate and explain simple activities about friction.teacher-led activities.Rub your palms together for about a minute.
How do you feel?If you rub for long enough, you will feel how hot the palm of your hand is.This is the role of friction.When mechanical energy becomes thermal energy, the surface will wear out.Observe the underside surface of a pair of rubber shoes.
Identify the bumps and dents of rubber shoes.What is the purpose of the bump and depression of rubber shoes?Two empty glass cans with lid.Label glass cans A and B.Close the glass jar A and open it with A dry hand.
Close the glass tank B.
Put some soap on your hand.
Try to open the jar with your smooth hand.Can you open it easily?Why?With a dry hand or a hand with soap, which way is it easier to open the glass jar?Why?VII.Q: How does friction affect the movement of an object?VIII.
Students are required to go to their group station.(The instructions for the activity should be recorded before each group records the gadget ).The questions to be answered after the event are provided to each station.
The experiment will be completed in 15 minutes.After the time is over, the siren will be played.Discuss the results of the activity.IX.1.Friction is useful and sometimes harmful.Friction can destroy relationships in humans.
How to reduce friction between friends and family?2.What is speed?3.How do you measure the speed of moving objects?I.II.III.Speed is the speed or distance of movement of an object within a given time.
Speed shows how fast the object is moving.It shows the relationship between the distance the moving object reaches and the time it takes..The speed can be expressed in either foot or meter/second, Mile or kilometer/hour or any unit represented by distance and time.
Define speed.
Calculate the speed of moving objects.
Convert one unit to another.
Cherish this old motto: God created time, but human beings created time.V.battery-VI.A.Shows two sixth graders at 50-meter track.(Note: if they know the characters in the video, the more you can get their attention.
Describe the video clip.
What is the term for describing movement?B.The word speed and discuss its meaning.Illustrated by a boy running on the runway.Boy running 100seconds.What is the speed of this boy?Give a sample question.
(Teacher-Boot demo problemsolving.
50-meter run.
What is the average speed?(Convert Time to seconds.2.What is the average speed of the car running from 7: 00 in the morningm.9:00 to destination.m.Covering a distance of 100 kilometers?VII.
What is speed?How do you calculate the speed of an object?For a period of time, the distance covered by the moving object is its distance.The speed can be represented by the speed per hour or per second.VIII.Divide the class into groups.Let them perform the following activities.
Buy a battery-Operate a toy car.
Mark a point on the table.
The car runs for 5 seconds and then marks the point at which it arrives.Travel in a toy car for 5 seconds?Distance in meters.Calculate the speed of the battery-Operating a toy car?IX.
Ask the students to answer the following questions.Ask them to send their answers to the emailThe email address provided by the teacher.For students who do not have a computer unit or an Internet connection in their home, they can use a computer unit in a computer lab.
A car travels 180 kilometers at a speed of 60 km kilometers per hour.How long has it traveled?Write the formula.2.John runs 20 kilometers in two hours.What is his average speed per hour?I.II.III.Speed is the speed of an object moving in one direction along a straight line.
It is used to indicate the speed of movement of the body.The constant speed indicates that the object has a constant speed and direction.Unit of speed must contain unit length, unit of time and direction.
For example, the West is 20 km kilometers per hour and the North is 30 kilometers per hour.IV.1.Distinguish between speed and speed.2.Solve simple problems with speed and speed.3.Convert units accurately and honestly.V.Mobile phone (note: mobile phone license will be obtained for parents and class consultants.
Each group of registered mobile phones will be strictly observed.Broadband (this lesson will use the teacher's Smart Broadband.VI.A.Flashing as a problem given by their task.
Show sample e-preparation.
Check the job.
Review the last lesson.
Q: How to determine the speed of moving objects?To display today's theme, please call the student and click the button that flashes on the smart board.B.Using the teacher --A powerpoint presentation was made during the discussion of the course on speed.Let students compare speed and speed.Using the venn diagram, let them compare the two concepts by writing down the similarities and differences between the two concepts.
A car traveling north starts at 1: 30 p.
and arrives at its destination at 4: 30 p.m.It traveled a distance of 180 kilometers.Let's calculate the speed and speed.Therefore, the car runs at an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour.It moves north.The speed of the car is 60 kilometers.We say the speed of the car to the north is 60 km kilometers per hour.
The family of Su took a bus to the north to visit their relatives in the province.They walked 180 kilometers in two hours?1.) What is the average speed of the car?2.What direction do they travel in?3.) What is the speed of the car?4.) What formula do you use to calculate the average speed?5.
) Which two factors are considered when looking for the speed of the object?VII.What is the difference between speed and speed?How do we find the speed of the object?VIII.Divide the class into five groups.Inform them of the guidelines for the event.
There are five (5) stations.
There must be a group at a time at each station.No group resolution or answer is required for each station.The resolution or answer should be done on your respective team sheet.
After a given hop-on time, another ten minutes were provided for the brainstorming (answer) campaign, including sending answers on the phone number provided.The group answer must follow the prescribed text format given.6.Only registered mobile phone numbers with group codes will be turned on, otherwise the group output will be canceled.
Velocity: ?Velocity: ?Velocity: ?Velocity: ?D10, 3 hours in the southeast direction of 500?Velocity: ?After a given activity time, ask the group to send their answers to the phone number given by the teacher.The answer forwarded through the phone will flash and be checked in the next meeting.IX.1.What are the three laws of motion?Describe each.
Action by external forces.
Newton's first law of motion is called the principle of inertia.The law of inertia states that the stationary object remains stationary until the external force makes it move, or that the object in motion continues to move in the same direction until the force stops it or changes its direction.Inertia is the resistance of an object to change its motion.
Each object has inertia, which causes it to resist changes in motion.Therefore, the moving object will remain moving in a straight line, and the stationary object will remain stationary unless an external force is applied.IV.1.Explain Newton's first law of motion.2.Study how forces affect stationary objects and moving objects.
Recognize the importance of wearing a seat belt when riding a car.V.VI.A.Check the preparation of the students.Students are required to observe whether the bracket fan is turned on and then off.Will the blade stop automatically?Why?Collect responses from students.
Discuss the law of inertia using slides prepared by MS in powerpoint presentations.Demonstrate this activity in order to further understand the concept of inertia.Take an empty cup, a coin and a piece of cardboard.
Put the cardboard on the glass and the coin on the cardboard.Flick the cardboard on the edge with your finger and observe.Where did the coin go?Why did the coin fall into the glass?Push the big table and the small table.
Which table do you need more power on?Which table can you move easily?Why?Look at the picture.(Show a picture of a bus full of passengers.) What do you think will happen to passengers if the bus stops suddenly?Do you think there may be an accident?Buy a table tennis and billiards.
Throw Table tennis first, then mark the point where the ball falls.Now, throw the billiards and mark the point where the ball falls.Compare distance.Which object reaches a further distance?Why?VII.
When you're sitting on a roller coaster running too fast, it stops suddenly, in which direction will your body move?Why?Why do billiards roll faster than table tennis?Explain Newton's first law of motion.Why do passengers need to fasten their seat belts?VIII.Classes are required to perform activities by table.
Send via Bluetooth device.
At least five students prepare equipment for each section ).The student's simple activities are shown below.I.Question: How does the force affect stationary and moving objects?II.
Pile the books on one.
Pull out the book at the bottom of the pile quickly.Observe what happens to the rest of a pile of books.2.Prepare a pendulum.Hang the bell.Pull bob aside and release.Observe what happens to it after a period of time.
When you pull out the book at the bottom, why is the book at the top of the pile left in place?2.What happens to the pendulum when you pull and release Bob?3.What causes the pendulum to stop?V.IX.1.State the second law of motion?2.Distinguish between acceleration and deceleration.
How to calculate the acceleration of an object?I.II.III.Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is proportional to the mass of the object.The law of acceleration is related to the force acting on an object.
When powerful, the object changes its motion.The object can change its motion in many ways.It can speed up, slow down, or change the direction it moves.
The speed at which the object moves depends on two factors--Net force or force applied and the mass or mass of the object.The greater the force applied, the greater the movement change of the object.This shows that the acceleration is proportional to the force applied.
However, if the mass of the object is large, the acceleration of the object will be reduced.Therefore, a heavy object moves slowly.This shows that acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.In order to achieve greater acceleration, a greater force must be applied on the object.
Acceleration can be observed when any of the following conditions occur.1.a.b.2.Acceleration (a) can be expressed as a change in speed per unit of time.Vf-IV.1.State Newton's second law of motion.2.Solve some problems with acceleration.3.Distinguish between acceleration and deceleration.
Will accelerate the connection with one's life.V.VI.A.Check the student's answer to the assignment given.1.What is the second law of the state of motion?2.
How to calculate the acceleration of an object?3.Distinguish between acceleration and deceleration.B.To understand the concept of acceleration, ask students to log in to interactive online movies.
Check the game points that students get.
What is acceleration?2.
When is the moving object accelerated?decelerated?3.Describe the acceleration of falling objects?powerpoint.1) is jeepney the same speed for the whole trip?2) is the position jeepney the same speed as the B position?3) does jeepney have the same speed at A as at B?Why?4) What is the acceleration of jeepney?VII.
When can you say that the object is accelerating?2) is the acceleration of all moving objects the same?Why?3) how to determine the acceleration of the object?VIII.Have students open folders with accelerated file names in their respective desktops.(The password of the document has just been published ).
This activity is encoded in Microsoft Word.1.Find the acceleration of the object moving from rest to 40 m/s in 5 seconds.2.A truck traveling at 50 km km/h slows down to 30 km/h at 0.
2 hours.
Students are required to save their output and send it to the teacher's email address.IX.Answer the questions below.Suppose you go to school by bike in a straight line at a speed of 4 m/s.You will hear the bell of the school as you approach.
In 3 s, your speed is up to 10 m/s.
How do you calculate your acceleration?I.
Newton's third law of motion states that there is always an equal and opposite reactionary force for every force of action.The law of interaction is also shown in rowing.Paddle into the water to move the boat.When put into the water, the water applies equal force on both sides of the paddle.
However, when the paddler pulls the paddle, the surface of the paddle plane pushes towards the water.The water pushed back to the paddle with equal and opposite force.The boat moves in the opposite direction of the paddle, and the force is equal to the force that the paddle moves towards the surface of the water.
Objects moving in circular motion also prove the third law of motion.When the motorcyclist makes a sharp turnThere are two forces working on the Crooked Road.There is an outward force to pull the motorcycle.
This force is a centrifugal force.
To balance this outward force, the racer tilted his motorcycle and body to the center.This inward force is called centripetal force.Pull the object to the center.When the centrifugal force and centripetal force are balanced, the object maintains a circular motion.
State Newton's third law of motion.
Determine action and reaction force.
Citing cases where the law of interaction applies.4.Make a film that shows the laws of interaction.5.Show a sense of responsibility for every action.
Check and answer the assignment given.
Suppose you go to school by bike in a straight line at a speed of 4 m/s.You will hear the bell of the school as you approach.In 3 s, your speed is up to 10 m/s.How do you calculate your acceleration?Show a video clip about diving.
Ask students to describe what they see and what is relevant to the topic of the day.B.Newton's third law-an example of the law of interaction.To further understand this lesson, students are asked to work in groups.
Prepare their video recorder.
Draw conclusions based on data and observations.I.Question: What is the relationship between the force and the reaction force?II.III.A-1) specify two people per spring scale.2) connect both ends of the hook on each spring scale and tell the person holding the spring scale to pull gently.
3) observe and read the force in each spring scale.B-Inflate a balloon.2) open the balloon down and release it.3) observe the direction of the balloon.4) inflate another balloon, hold the balloon horizontally and release it.5) observe the direction of the balloon.6) determine the reason for the balloon flight.
1) which of the two activities (A, B) shows the driving force?Reaction force?2) What can you say about the action force and reaction force applied by two people?3) What is the action and reaction force when releasing the inflatable balloon?V.CD-ROM (cd) for future reference and recording ).VII.What is the law of interaction?Reference to the case shown by Newton's third law of motion.
Explain how to apply the third law of motion when cyclists make sharp turnscurved road.VIII.Evaluate students according to their activities.Evaluate their performance with a title.IX.Even if we don't know how to react, we should be responsible for every action we do.
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