How to Use Color Range to Replace the Sky in PhotoShop - marquee

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-12-31
How to Use Color Range to Replace the Sky in PhotoShop  -  marquee
PhotoShop CS5.Tutorial, but it works for almost any version of PhotoShop.The key tool used in this tutorial is the "color range" tool;However, we will also introduce more tools and shortcuts, so you will learn some useful tools and techniques.Simply put, we will use the "color range" to select the sky to cover it up and put it in a new, more eye-catching sky.
This is the picture that will be used in this tutorial (Figure 1 ).On a clear, cloudless day, I got it in Key West, Florida.The view was good but there was nothing unique or memorable.
First, open the photo in Photoshop.
The mask doesn't work on the background layer, so the first thing we do is doublebackground.This opens the layer name dialog box (Figure 2 ).The name will be automatically changed to "layer" and you can start the tutorial by simply clicking "layer.
Open photos in Photoshop.
Select -(Fig.
You will then get a dialog box that displays the selected area/color.It was originally pure black.Use the dropper to select a position in the sky.The fuzzy setting of the color range should be between 30 and 40.
In this example, I start at 39 (Fig.
You will see the initial part of the Sky selected by White at the top of the preview.The right side of the dialog box is the dropper control (figure5).The dropper itself is the initial selection tool.
If you want to start over, just select this tool and click anywhere to forget the previous selection and start with the newly selected color.It adds an extra color next to the selection range.-The color next to it removes the color you selected with it from the current selection.
Use the additional dropper to select the Sky section that was not selected initially.A great trick I 've learned to choose a range of shades is to select an additive dropper and then click and hold the dropper when dragging it onto the various shades you want to add.It's faster and easier than trying to click alone and select a shadow at a time.
Now you should choose the whole sky.
The various buildings below should be well separated and have a very clean edge in the selection.If there are any similar colors below the horizon, remove these tones using a color-reducing dropper..Now you will see the select box showing the selected content (Fig.
After selecting this option, select the channels tab (figure7) click on the new ALPHA button to create an alpha channel that you can now edit and clean for the perfect selection (red box ).Press CTRL and D to unselect and view the completed alpha channel (figure8).Now with this full size option, you will be able to see the areas you accidentally selected as they are similar to the selected sky.
That's why you did alpha.
Now you can edit the alpha channel and get a very clean and perfect alpha where everything is either pure black or pure white.Just select the brush tool, select pure black and draw at the bottom, be careful to stay away from the border.Next, change to pure white and paint in the sky and stay away from the border area again.
Now use the burning tool, which is done by clicking and holding down the Dodge tool until the option fly-The out panel appears and the pinch is selected (Fig.9).Now drag the burning tool onto the alpha area with a boundary between black and white.All the darker gray will begin to turn black.
Now select the Dodge tool and do the same in the white section of the border.Once you have a clear edge, you have finished making the mask.Now you should have a finished alpha as shown on the right (Fig.
To select using this option, press and hold the CTRL key and click alpha.You should now have a new subtitle in the white section of your channel.Click the layers tab to switch back to the original photo.
Click the new mask button at the bottom of the layers window (figure11), you will see a mask on the right side of the photo icon in the layers window.The only problem is that the mask has nothing but the sky..Now the sky is covered and ready to insert a new Sky (Figure 12 ).
Next, open an eye-catching photo of the sky, or at least an interesting photo of the sky.Here is the one we will use for this (Fig.13).Select all photos.The selection box should be around the entire photo (Fig.
Copy the layer.
At the top of the photo, you should see the label of the original photo that we have been working on.Click on the top of the tab to return it.Paste layers.It will be the top layer, so grab the layer thumbnail and drag it below the original layer.You should see the original seaside now, with a new sky shining on it.
Tools move the sky until you see the view you like.To open the save as dialog box and name the new PSD.Save the PSD in case you want to edit it again in the future.
Finally, save it in the format you want, like Jpeg and your photos are showing well!Here's the finished picture, and a close-up
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