
giant inflatable football UTAS dementia research recruiting participants at Agfest

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-06-11
giant inflatable football UTAS dementia research recruiting participants at Agfest
Tourist certificatexa0Willing to be a research participant in the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Center.Led by the University of tazhouxa0Dr. Claire Eccleston, university staffxa0Survey issued,xa0Dementia knowledge and education need to be studied on Agfest field day.Dr. ekleston encouraged participants to sit on comfortable bean bag chairs while completing the form and relax in the huge inflatable brain outside the university tent.
Findingsxa0It takes 15 minutes to finish.
xa0Form the first part of the project.
"We 've been talking to the community about being dementia friendly."People feel that to be a dementia-friendly community, all members of the community need to know about dementia," Dr. Eccleston said ."."This is a survey of what.xa0Communities in Rural and regional areas of Tasmania state know about dementia, what they want to learn, and how they want to discover it.
"We will adjust education according to Community preferences," she said .".Each person filling out the survey was asked if they would attend the regional focus group in part 2 of the project."We will hold focus groups with interested people who have completed the survey to further understand which areas of community education they think are important," Dr.
Eccleston said .
"Once we have enough resources, we can set up focus groups in different communities."These findings will help educate educators, community members and peak institutions to teach people about dementia," she said .".Researchers are looking for at least 400 participants, and the program continues until March 2018.
ekleston said that while they had not tried the recruitment methods used in Agfest before, the researchers hoped that many participants would volunteer to participate."We are interested in rural and regional Australia because we don't know much about their knowledge of dementia," said Dr. ecreston .".There are already many middle-end projects.
Dr ecreston said they are looking for more female participants."We especially hope to have more men and young people aged 18.35, but also women in rural areas .""It's hard for men to do surveys," she said .
The study was funded by the Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation.For more information about learning or participation,xa0Contact Dr. Claire eckelston of Claire.Eccleston@utas.edu.Au or 6226 4775
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