Children's book says stop teasing kids with autism - meltdown

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-12-24
Children\'s book says stop teasing kids with autism  -  meltdown
A Tasman mother wants to promote social acceptance of autism through a picture book that teaches children and their parents about autism.What featuresxa0Poppie, her nine.year-The daughter of an autistic person.MS Strachan said she started writing the book after Poppi camexa0Go home from school becausexa0The children don't want to play with her."The most disturbing thing for me is that Poppi is excluded from other children," Strachan MS .
"I know how amazing she is.
xa0What a great friend she can be.
Ixa0I want other kids to see.
Poppi is no different from other kids, she likes the same books, the same toys, the same movies, just the features are a little different.When conducting research for her book MS Strachan, she said she could not find anything that would help children better understand the "different" behavior of their peers with autism."This is a tool for parents and teachers to try to make other children more socially receptive to people with autism," MS Strachan said .
"Children shouldxa0If one of their friends has autismxa0Then, they need to know more about their behavior, and they often do so.xa0Unable to control.Isxa0Rhyme Book for primary schoolSchool-age children."Just because of Poppie.xa0Yes.xa0"The difference does not mean she is sick, disabled or abnormal," MS Strachan said .
"This bookxa0She explained that she didn't like to make a loud noise or certain textures on her skin, she was an amazing athlete, but she struggled a lot at school. "."Then, it basically says, if you see someone crashing, don't laugh at them, don't make fun of them, and don't exclude them from your team, just ask them if they're okay and invite themxa0Come and play.Strachan MS realized in the early days of Poppi that she might be autistic.
Poppixa0was non-Until later in life, walking on her tipToes, showing forced behavior.MS Strachan says Poppiexa0Now, when she tries to explain something that people don't understand, it's easy for her to get frustrated and her brain handles itxa0The voice is different, and the loud voice is an attack on her senses."When she was very young, a motorcycle passed by the House and she would become stiff, face down, scream,xa0Collapsed.
"She will deal with it as she grows olderxa0It's much better, but she still feels serious anxiety, her body becomes stiff and tense and she can't say how she feels, which often leads to her crying, depressed, or screamingStrachan MS says she wants to remove social stigma from children with autism."I don't want it to be a taboo because it has been around for so long.There is nothing to stop these children except those who try to stop them because they are different, "she said.
"When we tell our friends and familyxa0They said theyxa0Too sorry.Butxa0I'm likexa0"Sorry, she's still a sweet, lively, fun kid, but we're right nowxa0Know what we're facing."This book willxa0Help children with autism.
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