
bucking bronco game Bulawayo's Moray School Friends

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-09-15
bucking bronco game Bulawayo\'s Moray School Friends
Do you attend a school in Mali in Bratislava, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe?Do you have memories you want to share or school friends you want to contact?The purpose of this page is to bring together members of the Moray community-If you have a Moray School related website, be sure to leave a comment at the end of the page, including the URL.My name is Susan total.My sister Claire and I (to the left of the photo) went from 1963 to Moray-67.We have good memories of the friends, teachers and staff we want to share.
If you go to Moray, or are a current student, we invite you to sign and add comments to our guestbook.Or better yet, let's build a Squidoo lens community about Moray-Start your own life with photos and memories!We can link to each other (leave an address in the guest comment list below ).(We found a link here to another Moray Squidoo lens that recently disappeared ---Is there any other volunteer who can start the [free] Squidoo page and post your memories and photos?See Orange "build your own page" at the top of this page ".
What do you remember about Moray?Susan remembers Alfred, he always smiles and makes a joke, and at the end of the game time he rings the bell of the school, Mr. principalCreasey saw a bundle of canes in the corner of the office, but he was a very nice person.Do you know that his brother is John cracy, a novelist?Our motto is "defeat evil with goodness", a patch for our green trailblazer.
The colors of the school are green and yellow.Green dress, yellow shirt, green and yellow striped tie and hat.The girl's gray felt hat and the boy's green hat.
Other memories: Days in the wild, the tacks shop at the cricket ground, lurking at the bottom of the playground a rumor of the Egyptian cobra, gum tree, wearing a BSAP style belt and shoulder strap, pay tribute to the parents car, art club, tennis and hockey and our student father Gavin, the coveted gate duty --Teacher from Umtali in 1965.Where are they now?Claire total wants to know where Cindy S's friends areis today?Susan wants to know where Georgina is?Georgina left Mali for Australia on 1965.Elsie lives in bravayo with Leslie and Aloma.
Susan K.
and Ann W.
Live in South Africa.
Keith H.
Live in Port Elizabeth.
Charles H.
Living in Melbourne, Australia.
Where are the others?Let us know --Sign the guest manual below!Front row, left to right :(?), Audrey D., Beverly O., (?), Avril T., (?), Shirley H., (?), Leslie B., Denena G.The middle row is left to right :(?), Georgina T., Isobel H., Esme vH.Susan K. Carol, (?Susan total.The first row from left to right: Duncan, Stephen B.
, Ian H.
, Michael J.
Stephen Charles H.
, Philip M.
, Keith H.
, Peter B.
Claire total is fifth in the second row on the right.Can someone recognize someone else?The top row of Beverly O (left to right )., Aloma C., Shayne F., Mrs.Mosel, Avril T., [?], Shirley H.Row in the middle of Leslie B., Isobel H., Susan K.Susan total Esme v.H., [?], Ann W., Denena G., Audrey D.Stephen and Peter., Stephen H., Charles H.J., [?), Ian, Keith H., Duncan.Claire total is on the fourth right in the second row.
Can someone recognize someone else?(Left to right) Catherine C., Susan K., Ann W., Michael J., Phillip M.Alistair, Dana G., Esme v.H., Susan D.;The middle row: Shane F., Leslie B., Aloma C., Avril T.Miss Kets, Shirley H., Audrey D., Elsie B., Isabel, June.Front row: Charles H. CarolJ., Keith H., Peter B.Stephen B DuncanIan Stephen H., Beverly O.Standard of 1967 and MS 2Dolan (?Did you publish it in this "magazine?Do you remember making magazines at Madame?Class 1965 of Mosel?We wrote stories and poems for it.There is still a copy of the total family.
Please read some stories below.
From 1965 magazine (Std.
Anne W.
rain after the droughtWe suffered a severe drought.It brought disaster and killed many crops.Many [men] and cattle also died of hunger.
The only thing that can help is the rain in the hot, dry, dusty countryside.I have been longing for the rain, the rain on the roof is getting louder and louder, coming on Saturday.It rained heavily and soaked everything.My friend and I looked out the window and we saw the beautiful scenery.
The rain drips down from the leaves, and the small stream runs down the garden path, running down the slope, forming a pool at the bottom.About half an hour later, when the rain stopped, my friend Sally and I went out and, of course, we went straight to our little trench.To our delight, the top is full of rain, floating above is the mulberry leaves that fall from the mulberry trees.
There is also a white foam on it, with a few sang berries floating on it.After a while we went to see the other things in the garden and we decided that everything looked fresh.But my favorite is the fresh and clean smell, Sally's favorite is the blue color that the sky looks so beautiful, we all like the smell of mud.
From the Std.
I like what Susan K does best.
I like riding horses best.
I got a lot of fun from it.
I like it because I like animals.
I started riding last winter.
I like it very much.
The first horse I rode was called a beautiful woman.She is a chestnut horse and I ride her every winter.On one occasion, my mom took a picture of me on Beauty and the picture was very good.
I had to ride the trigger one day because the beauty put her foot in the snake hole and sprained her ankle.When I was riding the trigger, a dog barked at him and he stumbled and I plunged in.Then I decided to ride the Prince.He is a lovely dark horse, but he walks too slowly.
When I rode the Prince for four weeks, I had enough of a slow horse.The beauty's feet get better after four weeks, so I was allowed to ride her again.I was very excited and gave the beauty two pieces of sugar and four carrots.
She was very happy and pushed me twice.
Then it was time to sleep.
The beauty was sleeping.
I went home.
From the Std.
A beautiful pigeon from Isabel H.
One morning in early spring, I opened the window and let some fresh air into my room.All of a sudden I heard a ss of wings and a beautiful pigeon fell on the bird bath.Suddenly a bird flew down.Take a cold shower and fly away.The pigeons are very hungry and want to find something to eat.
It is a handsome bird with gray wings, emerald feathers on its wings, and purple for the rest.From the Std.Christmas party in Aloma C.I am the father of four children.I make a living selling matchsticks. we are poor, but we can handle it.It's Christmas tomorrow and I only have two shillings so I have to beg for clothes and food but I didn't make it.I took my money to the fair to buy food and gifts but I could only buy a loaf of bread and a few fish so I went homeBecause my child will pretend not to worry about the gift, but every child likes to receive it.
..On Christmas night, when my wife brought food in, we sat at the table.She put a plate of fish and some bread in front of each of us.We had our hands together. I said an elegant word.When we finished, someone heard a knock on the door.
Tim, my eldest son, left from the table and opened the door.Outside stood a white man with brown hair with food and parcels under his feet, and the Angel sang behind him.Tim stayed at the door for a long time, so I went to see what he was doing.
When I got there, I asked the man, who replied, "Can I bring my stuff in ?"?"Yes, of course," I replied.When the man in my younger son said, "Oh, Dad, it's Jesus.He's right.Jesus sat down and gave everyone a gift and food.
We enjoyed it very much.
After dinner, Jesus held my youngest child on his knee and told us a beautiful story about God, his father.Then he left us.My poor family is the luckiest of all families because they are poor but they have the best Christmas party ever.From the Std.Philip M meets in the rainIt was a hot summer afternoon and I found myself having nothing to do.
I asked my mother if I could take our dog for a walk.My mother replied, "Yes, you can take the dog for a walk.I believe he will like it."I took off his collar and called him and he was right by my side.
We soon got out of the gate and ran along the road.Our dog, young and handsome Alsace, ran fast.I find it difficult to keep up with him.When I noticed that it was dark and I looked at my watch, we were going up the hill ---It was only 03:30.
Then I saw the lightning, heard the thunder, and then the rain went down.We ran to the tree to take refuge, and I remember it was dangerous to stay under the tree in the storm, so we went home and ran.The rain hit me on my face and hands and as for my dog he was as wet as I was.
I heard a crack as we turned into our road.I looked back and saw that the tree we were standing under was hit by lightning.I almost got home when I slipped and hurt my knee.
I hobbled up to the balcony at the back and knocked on the door and saw me and my mother was freaking out.She had some soup and then turned on the tap in the bathtub.When she came back, the soup had already been cooked and I drank it cheerfully.
Then I jumped into the tub and dried our clothes and when I put on my pajamas my mom dried up and fed the dog.I have a bad cold.I was very tired and fell into deep sleep.From the Std.My favorite thing to do is Peter B.My favorite thing to do is a yacht.I like to do this best because you can also sail for games and entertainment.
We just looked at it when we didn't sail.
When we became more experienced, my dad built us a small boat of our own.He built it for us because it was safe.Some rigging broke down when I first went out.We were with an experienced captain so he knew what to do.
We ran aground the ship and brought it back to the club for repair.Now that we are older, we have a bigger yacht called "Dabchick ".We like to sail in the breeze.On Sunday, we go to the dam and sometimes to race.
After the game, we opened the boat and put the gear in the car.I won a game a few weeks ago.Sometimes when my dad takes the boat home I sand them down and he draws them.I love the yacht and I hope I can sail all the way to the old.
From the Std.
Stephen H.
bravado, OctoberThe grass grew Brianna throughout October.All the flowers drooping on the bed.All the trees couldn't breathe in October.The flowers that were picked were only five minutes away.
The Sky under the scorching sun is bright-Cloud is not visible.The animals either lie in flowers, grass and water, or dig holes in the ground to sleep in the shade.Birds bathe in birdsTake a shower and sleep in the shade.
Cats hope they have no fur.
Dogs hope to shave.
The birds keep blowing their feathers to catch the breeze.I think I will die if I don't swim.I bought dozens of ice cream.I took the ice from the fridge.I sat under the burnt tree.I thought the world would be destroyed.Memories of sharingWe all share the experiences and privileges of living in or having lived in amazing areas of the world.Here are a few books about Southern Africa.
we have read them and like to recommend them to others.If you have a memory of the days of the Mali School in bravayofamona, you can share-Please write below.(Please note that there may be more than one page with comments!.
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