
bubble soccer kids Celebrating youth and community with festival at Beaconsfield

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-08-22
bubble soccer kids Celebrating youth and community with festival at Beaconsfield
The annual Youth Week celebration at Beaconsfield will take place on Friday afternoon.The bikensfield youth and community festival is designed to celebrate the region'sxa0Provide fun activities for young people of all ages.Will providexa0Watermelon eating competitions, Ninja Warrior classes, skating and scooter competitions and challenges for youth groups.
In addition, the Launceston tornado, Launceston and Tamar demon football club, as well as the Devil archery, competition, bubble football, etc.The awkward silence of live music, Fergusons, high speed, quiet Jones and the drum will entertain the audience.The youth service department will participate in the event with the bikensfield House, the bikensfield Children and Family Center and the bikensfield fire brigade.
The festival will begin on the 2 Th.
30pm toxa06.
30 p.
RSL Park in welding Streetxa0Than Falkensteiner Inn
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