airbag Greece, Poisonous and Venomous Spiders, Snakes and Insects, and Deadly Sea Creatures.

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-12-11
airbag Greece, Poisonous and Venomous Spiders, Snakes and Insects, and Deadly Sea Creatures.
In Greece, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, biting insects and dangerous animals can turn adventure into hell.Greece is a beautiful and amazing country, but there are occasional dangers lurking in dark corners, beaches, or places not far from home, and these dangers are not in exquisite brochures.There are many different spiders in Greece, but none of them are poisonous.
Spiders are usually small and not dangerous in Greece.They usually appear in wooded rural areas and strange places in hotel rooms......Most Greek snakes are harmless, but they bite a person if they feel threatened.
Tourists usually step on a snake by accident, when the snake will retaliate.Summer is the worst time for tourists who are afraid of snakes, because the snakes that breed and bask in the sun are very rich.Summer is the breeding season, and if a mother snake approaches with a new little snake, she will vigorously protect her nest.
Deep-sea fishing and scuba diving can be arranged in Greece, but sea snakes are on guard.The Ohia snake, also known as the Adder snake, is classified as a snake.This is the only poisonous snake in Greece.
Grow to between 2-3 feet ( 60 -The snake was the cause of the death of a five-year-old boy in Britain in 1985 and of a woman in Germany in 2004.This Vipers snake is a common Vipers snake and is not an endangered species.The Greek people think that any good snake is a dead snake.
They can be seen turning the car from the side of the road to the other side in order to run a snake, not to avoid it.The bite of this poisonous snake is rare, and this venom is usually not enough to cause death.But fever, nausea, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea can ruin a holiday.
If bitten, seek medical assistance immediately, do not take risks.There are more than 150 brown bears in Greece.They are located in two different areas, one in the rotopi mountains and the other in the pingdos mountains.
Bears have unpredictable temperament, but do not attack humans as a source of food.But they will attack if they are frightened or threatened.Like any animal, sows with Cubs have the greatest threat, and they only protect their children.
There have been no reports of a brown bear attack in Greece in recent years, so stay that way.If you venture into the above mountains, be careful and only go with your guide if possible.Escape can help if you see or hear a bear, don't wait on your phone for a photo.
It is said that retreating in front of the bear in a dominant way may improve the chances of survival.In the summer months Greece is home to most mosquitoes in the world.Greece is described as a Playboy sanctuary for mosquitoes, flooded with mosquitoes in the summer.
The Greek mosquito does not carry malaria, but a possible parasite called the blowfly larvae on the legs, which is ugly but harmless.Precautions such as mosquito repellent removal to avoid having one billion bites of insects in the room during your stay.In the beautiful and warm sea around Greece, some ominous secrets are hidden.
Swimming may never be the same again.
Always swim on or near the prescribed beach.These little beauties have very sharp teeth, which can cause dangerous bites to human beings.Only the larger sea fish and eel will bite the swimmer.
They can usually be found along the coral reefs, and they wait for the curiosity of the prey in the cracks and gaps before rushing to the prey.It's usually shy in the morning and attacks only when provoked.If you see an octopus in the water, please note that there is usually a moral eel in the not too far away.
Scuba divers should be careful that certain birds may be toxic, but this has not yet been scientifically proven.Many people diving and deep sea fishing lost their fingers on the fish.In many areas, it is forbidden for divers to feed these little monsters with their hands.
Even if you die, even if you cut your head, the sea fish will not release its grip on the victim.If a swimmer is bitten, seek medical treatment immediately, the wound may cause serious tissue loss, leaving a deep scar.These small fish are about 37 cm long.They buried themselves in the sandy shallow water area and only saw the eyes waiting for shrimp or small fish to swim.
Most people get hurt when a person stands on the fish.Our fish has a very sharp back Thorn, which is the cause of human injury.These spikes will go through the wet suits or flippers of scuba diving equipment that can be rented out.
After our Sting, one may feel nausea, numbness, headache, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.Severe tingling reactions include abnormal cardiac rhythm, seizures, loss of perception, necrosis, and high tissue degradation.If you have any questions about the cause of the injury, please feel free to seek medical advice.
Sting fish are actually related to sharks, with two very sharp, 35 cm-long sharp hooks on the tip of their tail.These hooks are used only for self-defense purposes, causing some terrible harm to human beings and even death.The inverted hook does have venom secreted in the skin bag and is released when the inverted hook is in contact.
The hook itself breaks into the flesh of the victim and requires surgery to remove it.By shuffling along the bottom of the sea to stop the sting of light in shallow water, this will cause any hidden light to wander.Steve Owen, the legendary Crocodile Hunter, was stabbed to death in 2006.
Apparently, he was "stabbed" hundreds of times by a thorn Ray.The jellyfish airbag is an excellent hunter, providing more than 10,000 stung humans to Australia each year..(50 m) but usually only the length of 30 feet (10 m.
Each tentacle has thousands of venom that releases the sashimi, usually killing the fish before swallowing them.The dead Portuguese "o" War and the cutting of the tentacles can still provide the same amount of venom as the live specimen.The tingling sensation will remain on the skin, which can last for several days.
When the venom passes through the blood system, more intense pain can be transmitted.More serious effects include fever, interference with lung and heart function, and shock and possible death.Just in case, don't eat jelly fish in all tropical waters.
Don't pee on someone stung by jelly fish.
It is not inferred to work in science, it can cause embarrassment, and it will be arrested for indecent exposure.-Greece is a great country.Serious damage does not happen often, but it can and does.Be careful when you are abroad, and don't think it doesn't matter if you are bitten or stung.
Always seek medical help.
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