adult inflatable slide Climb And Slide

by:JOY Inflatable     2020-08-29
adult inflatable slide Climb And Slide
Slide is one of our favorite recreational facilities when we were young.As you slide down the slide, you can feel the wind running towards your face.It is cool.If the slides are long enough, the feeling of cool and joy will last for a long time.
When you take a walk next to the slide in the park, you will want to play with the slide.However, the slides in the park are designed for the children.Designers will not forget adults.Inflatable slides can meet your needs.Because it is an adult design, it should not be designed too simply.
The inflatable design has two climbing walls.You can climb the top of the slide in two ways.The first climb is to capture and stand on the feet of a long mountain.
It ensures that you stand firmly in front of them.Another way to climb is a bit difficult from the first one.You need to grab and stand on the short arm rest.
You can choose the way you like climbing, or if there is one person climbing on one side, you can compete with him on another climbing wall.The slides and the ground are tilted to each other at a 45 ° angle.Its dark side is the key to a game that is different from kids.
It brings excitement.
Slide can make speed faster.
You get excited when you slide.
There is an inflatable ground at the bottom of the slide to catch you.So you won't get hurt after an exciting taxi.At the end of the inflatable ground, a buffer is also attached so that it has double protection.
The length of the inflatable movement is 14 m, 8 m wide and 6 m high.It's better to settle outdoors.It is by 0.55mm pvc tarp.This material is UV.Cold cold weather, waterproof.So there is no problem solving it outdoors.It has high tear strength and is more durable than other tarps.
We will also strengthen the details.
It is safe to keep and bounce.
We also take this into account for our health.The TARP is waterproof.Mildew treatment.The TARP we made is hard to reproduce mildew.This way you can rest assured in your health.
Inflatable movement is easy to install and disassemble.All you need to do is blow it up with an inflatable blower and assemble the parts together.You can complete the installation in a few minutes.
Isn't it catching your eye?Let's slide on the inflatable
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